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Posted: March 7th, 2014, 11:13 pm
by Impious-Monk
Technically I've already introduced myself but that was about a year ago and so much has changed.
So, hi, my name is Olivia and I'm 17 years old. Umm I'm about 5'1" and..yeah oh and genderqueer. Art means everything to me. I'm 97% sure I have schizotypal personality disorder....which is...intersting (hahaha). I just wanted to say that I'm doing so much better now that I am in college, I'm really enjoying it. (If you had read my last post you will know how much of a wonderful change this is)

I just wanted to say that I love you all, truly. Stay strong guys. :)

Re: Ahoy-hoy

Posted: March 9th, 2014, 8:47 am
by weary
I had to post to say that I love saying "Ahoy-hoy" when I greet someone or answer the phone... And it gives me a smile when I see someone else that's in on the joke. Clearly either a Simpsons fan or aficionado of obscure telephone trivia (or both, I suppose). Put a smile on my face, for which I thank you.

"I'd like to send this letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 autogyro?"

I'm all seriousness, glad that you are college and that things are looking up for you. College was an incredible period of finding my true self (though I seem to have misplaced myself several times since then! but that's another story...). I wish you well and hope to read about more of your story in the future.