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Introducing Myself

Posted: April 13th, 2014, 3:35 pm
by unapalomablanca
Hi, long time listener, first time caller ... ;)

I'm 45, and have had depression and anxiety since I was about 17. I started seeing a doctor and therapist to treat the illness when I was 30. My quality of life dramatically improved after that.

I've had several multi-year episodes, but nothing that really put me out of commission until a few years ago. 2010-2013 was one long horrible episode that's left me with a horrible case of social anxiety (I've always been very shy, and the depression makes it worse).

I'm absolutely determined to get past this, and frustrated that the process is so difficult. Today I backed out of going to a depression support group, because I was too frightened. I'm well enough to feel really lonely that I've cut myself off from family and friends, but not yet at a point where I can reach out to them.

It was hard to even sit down and write this. But one step at a time, as they say, and I refuse to give up.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: April 14th, 2014, 3:42 pm
by manuel_moe_g
I am so glad you have the will to get better. I will wish for strength for you, so your suffering can end. You don't deserve this suffering. All the best, we here are all cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow!