Hello from NoMadder

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Joined: April 21st, 2014, 10:09 am

Hello from NoMadder

Post by NoMadder »

Hello, everyone. I'm a long-time listener to the Mental Illness podcast. I came across the podcast around episode 20, caught up on the back episodes, and I've been a faithful listener since.

The main issues I struggle with are depression (less now than in the past, but still there) and alcoholism (as bad as ever). I also have a background with an overbearing, cultish religious environment (Pentecostal to be exact).

This is my first exploration into the boards here at MIHP but I hope to find some help and encouragement, and offer the same to others.
Posts: 5
Joined: April 20th, 2014, 10:46 am

Re: Hello from NoMadder

Post by GoblinInventor »

Welcome :)

I hope you find the help and encouragment and can be that for others as well.

There's also the feeling of "I'm not the only one" and "Wow I thought only I did this!" at times. I've seen that as a sort of help. If one must walk through the valley of the shadow of death, a walking buddy is nice to have :)
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