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I'm new.

Posted: June 24th, 2014, 1:11 am
by ghostmouse
Hey. I'm here. I'm queer (not that relevant to present situation, but it rhymes and it's a timeless classic and it is true). I'm having a hard time right now. Probably because my brain is made of soggy cotton balls.

I'm in my late twenties, never diagnosed and never successfully treated for whatever's going on with me (something in the neighbourhood of depression/anxiety). I'm a writer (unpublished, but working on it), and although I don't have a day job often enough, when I do it is usually something with children. I'm about to re-start my only steady annual gig as a day camp counsellor. In the fall I actually have a job lined up in China for a whole year (longer than I've ever held a job in my life), but I am worried that I won't be able to go because of my mental state (or that if I do I'm going to end up hurting myself).

Yaaaaay hiiiiiiiiii.

Re: I'm new.

Posted: June 24th, 2014, 5:25 am
by Wren
Hi ghostmouse!

Well for one, I love your name. And we've already got a lot in common, so right off the bat you're not alone. Sounds like despite your struggles you're putting yourself out there and moving forward. I've always wanted to travel/move abroad but have been held back by fear and financial instability. High five to you!
What sort of writing do you enjoy most? Have you been to China and/or overseas before?

It's nice to meet you. I hope today your burden is light and that tomorrow brings hope and joy.
And kudos to you for reaching out in this way.

Re: I'm new.

Posted: June 24th, 2014, 9:37 am
by YLC2525
Hi ghostmouse,

I hope this forum gives you some comfort in that you are not alone in your struggles. As a new member myself, I
found it helpful to look at posts by others with similar situations to mine. Other than that I can just offer you
my eyes. I read your words and my heart relates to your pain. I am glad that you wrote.

Re: I'm new.

Posted: June 24th, 2014, 10:28 am
by ghostmouse
Thanks for the welcome.

Wren: I write young adult fiction. My first novel is on submission right now. I haven't been to China before (and it seems increasingly doubtful I'll get there anytime soon), but I went to Europe (France and England) for a few weeks when I was 14.