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Hyperdiagnosed and Overmedicated

Posted: September 19th, 2014, 6:30 pm
by infpeace
Hi. I discovered this podcast about three weeks ago when a friend turned me on to it. It is so good to listen to other people who have the same crazy thoughts I do.

I am one of those people who had a perfect life growing up and still ended up crazy. I definitely suffer from major depression. No question about that. But even though numerous doctors and therapists have diagnosed me Bipolar I (not even Bipolar II!), I'm not sure if I really am. My most recent add-on diagnosis is ADHD, something I *know* I don't have.

So I'm taking Welbutrin and Prozac for depression.
Depakote for the bipolar thing.
Adderall for concentration, to make up for the mind-fuzziness that Depakote is giving me.

Depakote was my miracle drug, if you don't consider the fact that it gave me Parkinson's-like symptoms and wrecked my ability to concentrate. The concentration thing is a problem. I'm sucking at my job because of it. I tried the ADHD med to fix that, and it was like I was on speed for about four hours. And then I sunk into deep, mind-numbed depression for the next four days. Actually, today is Day 5 and I'm still there.

Was that being bipolar or was that merely taking a form of speed and crashing afterwards? I think it's the latter. I just have very long and very bad crashes.

Anyway, it's nice to meet everyone. Looking forward to finding other who've been through some of the same crap I have.

Re: Hyperdiagnosed and Overmedicated

Posted: September 20th, 2014, 3:42 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Hello infpeace, welcome to our little forum! We can't wait to read your contributions to the topics and threads here!

Keep us posted on your challenges with Depakote. All the best to you, we here are cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow!

Re: Hyperdiagnosed and Overmedicated

Posted: September 20th, 2014, 6:10 pm
by IdentityPoltergeist
It sounds like you are really in touch with yourself and your issues. I think if you disagree with a diagnosis you should definitely talk to your therapist about it and if that goes nowhere, look for a second opinion with a professional (like you would for any medical diagnosis you aren't sure about!). Are you seeing a psychiatrist only? I am concerned by all these drugs being thrown at you for things you don't agree are problems. They could complicate your legit issues. On the other hand at least someone is being proactive.

Welcome to the forum, also new here :) underdiagnosed and probably undermedicated!