Supporting a partner in therapy

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Supporting a partner in therapy

Post by PenelopeBrooks »

I would love some advice on being a supportive partner to someone going through trauma treatment. I have an extensive history of childhood sexual abuse (along with lots of other trauma) myself, but I have had years of therapy, including EMDR, which helped me tremendously. I still check in with my own therapist from time to time, but in general, I'm able to handle the occasional struggles I have with anxiety or sadness. My partner has recently started therapy to deal with her own trauma and while I am SO PROUD of her, I have difficulty knowing how to support her without my own issues getting in the way. I'm not triggered by her memories or experiences, but I AM somewhat triggered by her anxiety about it all. Again, its nothing I can't manage, but I've found myself unintentionally trying to "nudge" her into hurrying up and getting over it. I want to give her space and full reign to feel all her feelings and do this journey however she needs to, I just don't know how to keep it from affecting me.
All you need is love.
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