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Please help :(

Posted: August 22nd, 2016, 11:20 pm
by alicia_23
I need your help ! My father is a kind of tough person. Maybe his field of work demanded so.( I am not mentioning it here)

After retirement, he is kind of more frustrated since we started getting some financial problems.He gets angry even for the simple things at home. This really bothers us well. Each time mom tries to calm him down , he flings anything placed near him.He also lacks sleep.

Last day there was an issue in the family and he broke his hand by thrashing the window. We were all scared. :cry:
Mom was crying and the entire locality came to know about this which made him more frustrated.
As per our aunt's suggestion, we are taking him to the Physiomobility,Toronto for the treatment. When we talked to them they suggested relaxation massage therapy ( ) for relaxing him and physiotherapy ( ... mills.html ) for his painful wrist.

What else could be done for him? Will these treatments be worth? None of us know about physiotherapy in depth. So please help.. Alternate suggestions are also most welcome.

Re: Please help :(

Posted: August 23rd, 2016, 12:12 pm
by Imissmysun
I am not a therapist but I know that a lot of people feel very out of sorts when they retire - the shift in what their purpose is and what they should do with their time is overwhelming - often people become depressed or now that they have nothing to busy themselves old wounds open and old thoughts come in and lead to anger frustration anxiety and depression - your father will most certainly benefit from counseling - getting a therapist to help direct and sort through this really monumental transition - its a big shift - I hope he starts to get some healing and direction and I hope this helps :)