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Munchausen Syndrome and Identity crisis

Posted: September 11th, 2018, 4:01 am
by aaliyahleelee
Hello I have a spouse who I believe has Munchausen Syndrome and some type of Identity crisis. Here is the things I've noticed:

She is a 46 yr old black gay female is presenting for 15 months(that's how long we have been together) with several different issues. Drug Addiction and alcoholism, claims of childhood sexual abuse, and the following:
Munchausen Syndrome-
Claims has disorders that don't fit symptoms
-claims has Bells Palsy and doesn't
-claims in life by failure and isn't
-claims high blood pressure doesn't
-claims heart condition doesn't
-will tell perfect strangers medical issues/history seems attention seeking
-No symptoms observed but claims seen by others
-Doesn't tell doctor of these issues but everyone else. Never mention Bells Palsy to PCP but everyone else, when mentioned heart condition doctor said it's untrue.
-Claims disorders not present
-Will physically over due activity then complain about how much pain present
-Claims all health issues are hereditary, my mom was allergic to aspirin so I am with being tested or tried. My cousins partner is in the hospital for chest pains and claims her entire family has Bells Palsey,
-Claims parents medical issues are present in her and not
-When asked to visually document symptoms they suddenly stopped
-Medication taken that's not needed
-if not center if attention or hasn't gotten attention she will display signs of pain, ext
-claims any little thing is a new disease (dark spots on her legs became diabetes although told by PCP they didn't have it, that it was a serious matter but upon inspection they were dry skin spots and is now trying to figure out how and why it's happening now, ext)
-claims medical procedures that has no proof occurred such as she claims to have had a heart attack that she drove herself to the hospital while suffering from. Claims pain medication given while in ER (enough to put an elephant down) doesn't affect her but takes a Tylenol and it knocks her out
-makes proven medical issues sound more serious than they are
-thinks has expensive medical knowledge but it is wrong and very defensive when corrected if does not shut down completely
These and more are present and active on a very regular basis no less than 4 times per week but usually on a daily basis.
Identity crisis
When around someone will begin to act and talk like they do example: if I talk about days when I was being a thug then all of a sudden she is a thug and has done thug things even though it's clear she hasn't. Easily changes with surroundings,
Will do things I like just because i like it and claims otherwise
History short relationships, friendships are verbally abusive, always talking but never about self unless to boast about self
Has a baby personality that is constantly present( talks like baby, only kid syndrome ect)

Please tell me I'm on the right path otherwise she is just a pathological liars. How do I get her help when she will never admit it? What do I do?