Cult episodes

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Re: Cult episodes

Post by snoringdog »

There's a lot more of this church group stuff than I was aware of...

Putting a couple of these podcasts on my list...
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by AngryInnerCrybaby »

I've never been abused nor neglected, but I'm still stressing? I have a bit of survivor's guilt or something after hearing about the real torments I've heard and read about from others here, on the podcast, or in the news
As they say in the recovery rooms, "more will be revealed." It has taken me decades to uncover the facts about my childhood that have resulted in my disordered thinking -- the neglect, the effects of parental narcissism and alcoholism, the abandonment, the internalized shame and sexual dysfunction caused by looking at hard core porn magazines I discovered in a relative's attic when I was 8. All of these combined to form a negative core belief that I wasn't worthy, wasn't good enough, didn't deserve anything good. I became a people pleaser and seriously sick with codependency. I am now on the long road to recovery through ACA, Al-Anon, therapy, and now the Waiting Room support group Paul started on Patreon. My denial protected me for a very long time, and my Christian belief system kept me mired in shame. One day at at a time, I am shedding layers of denial and shame, reparenting myself, trusting in my Higher Power, rediscovering my authentic self.
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by Mental Fairy »

Wow, powerful words.

Thank you for this.
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by snoringdog »

I just finished the episode with Glynn Washington (Sept 23 2016)

The producer/host of WNYC’s Snap Judgment shares about being raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult, strategies he’s used to survive racism, what he learned by visiting Japan as a college student, his struggles with bipolar and his family’s history of mental illness especially his late brother.

Quite engaging and funny. He's a good story-teller. Though his experience was different in many ways from mine, I could relate to much of it.

Worth a listen! (And I'll be checking out his ongoing podcasts)
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by snoringdog »

In 1998, (Pat Robertson) specifically suggested that God might send hurricanes and a hellfire of lightning bolts to Florida to destroy Disneyworld in retaliation for sponsoring a “Gay Days” weekend.
After 9/11, he joined Jerry Falwell in attributing the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC to God’s wrath aimed at “pagans, abortionists, gays, lesbians, [and] the American Civil Liberties Union.”
Earlier this year, Rabbi Amar blamed a series of small earthquakes in Israel on the LGBTQ community.
He also called Reform Jews "evil people who do every injustice in the world against the Torah" and described the Women of the Wall as "the Satan that confuses people."
Same twisted and self-righteous thinking. The only difference is the clown suits. :roll: :lol:
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by Mental Fairy »

My friend this world revolves around some more than most!
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by snoringdog »

So, I finally got around to listening to the podcast I'd posted previously, and what a disappointment! (Did it while I was strapped down giving platelets so I couldn't squirm out of it ;) )

But file that one under "Anyone can do a podcast without doing their homework and can spout off ridiculous diagnoses that are without any basis at all and-by-the-way, goofy-banter-and-forced-mirth-is-super-annoying" 8-)

I'd been sitting on it since January or so when I found it, afraid to take a listen. At that time, a couple of things had come to my attention which unleased a load of thoughts and feelings that I was compelled to scribble down on several pages. I felt better afterwards and put them away, but it's been in the back of my mind.

What happened them -
  • One of our friends has been struggling with Parkinson's, and was hospitalized after a fall. (At one point she was one of the ones "good enough" to go the Haiti to help at the orphanage the group had started).

    Found out that the cult leader died in 2018. Wondering about what's left of the org and what'll happen now. (I note that he died a failure, since he was sure, Sure! that he would reach the entire US with his message, and would be alive to see Jesus return :roll: :naughty: )

    Found out that there was a fire in the orphanage in 2020 that killed at least a dozen young children.

    Remembered the subdued but anxious, defensive and guilty feelings that surfaced when we walked past the group's salvage store in NYC several years ago.
So, I feel like I've moved another step ahead in putting this to rest rather than burying it and ignoring it.

Will dig out the notes and consider them again now that some time has past....
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Thanks for sharing,SnoringDog

Fascinating stuff, what a blow to the ego to be dying and realize that your massiah complex was just a massive delusion
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Re: Cult episodes

Post by snoringdog »

what a blow to the ego to be dying and realize that your messiah complex was just a massive delusion
Him and 10,000 other megalomaniacs! 8-)

The more I read, the more common this stuff seems to be..
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