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Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 10th, 2015, 5:13 pm
by SpookyGhost
A survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Matty could no longer bear the silence he saw around him, so he started Road to Change and walked 10,000 miles across Europe to raise awareness and in the process helped change laws in several countries.

For more information on Road to Change go to or visit the Facebook page

Follow Matty on Twitter @RoadtoChangeEU

To donate your time or money to Free Arts, the program Paul talked about that helps underserved kids in Los Angeles through art, visit

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 11th, 2015, 11:25 am
by keva
I loved this episode. Matty was such a warm man, I wish that we could be friends. He is a good egg.

Thanks for the episode and I hope that Paul takes him up on his offer to have more Scottish people on the podcast.

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 3:13 am
by gfyourself
Great one Paul.

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 3:22 am
by SpookyGhost
One of my favorites for sure. I wanted to give him a hug, and I am not a hugger.

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 9:00 am
by Steadyeddy
He is an amazing human being. I think it was my favorite episode of the year so far. When he talked about his meeting the Pope, how he had felt some anger about in light of the Church scandals and pressure from others as well to give the Holy See what for, but instead just broke down. "Papa, my uncle hurt me.." it was so profound. The whole show was extremely meaningful. Thanks Paul.

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 11:39 am
by Lost_and_Found
Oh my goodness--my heart is so filled with love after listening to the episode with Matty. What a gift this man is to all of us. You don't have to be a survivor to be inspired by him. His humility really touched me. I feel a new urge to make a difference in the name of mental illness thanks to Matty! We are blessed to have run into him via podcast.

Matty-If you are checking out these comments, I am so grateful to have heard your interview. Thanks for your continued journey on behalf of all of us dealing with mental issues of all sorts. Your journey strikes me as a pilgrimage of the heart where your heart touches so many others and you are so very clearly making (to me at least:) making a pilgrimage of your own heart. In case there is misunderstanding, I am not talking about a religious pilgrimage!

My heart is wide open. Thanks to Paul and all of us who keep the podcast going!


Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 1:57 pm
by E is for Elephant
What a beautiful episode, from start to finish. I could have listened to Matty talk for hours. I think this has entered my Top Ten episode list.

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 4:17 pm
by stoptellingmetosmile
Paul surrounds himself with the most amazing people. How he do it? I can't even find someone whose dog won't shit in front of my house. Matty has such a generous and beautiful soul. He is truly someone to emulate.

Is it too soon to start voting for the top ten episodes of 2015?

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 9:42 am
by alongwalkhome
Really really wonderful. Thank you for bringing this beautiful person's story to us.

Re: Episode 220: Matty McVarish

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 1:10 pm
by Glock therapy
I can only ditto what others have, just wow. Matty's various "journeys" have been remarkable. He's helped move forward what is essentially a civil-rights movement whose time has perhaps finally come. His story was all the more appealing because of his sincerely good natured and humble manner. Sometimes people who do monumental things--even if for a really good cause--tend to have a grandiose or narcissistic streak that's a bit off-putting or makes them difficult to relate to. Not so with Matty--what a sweetly unassuming guy. As is the Pope, from everything I read or hear about him, with this additional anecdote now. That moment was extraordinary, historic perhaps, and I'm kind of surprised this hasn't gotten more press (or have I missed it?). An incredible story that brought chills to my spine and tears to my eyes. Thank you Matty and thank you Paul.