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Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: July 24th, 2015, 5:27 am
by SpookyGhost
The 61 year-old talks about loneliness, the painful depths his addictions took him to and the chance he has in sobriety to be the kind of father he never had. - See more at: ... 3Lc6Q.dpuf

Re: Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: July 25th, 2015, 9:06 am
by Atlguy39
Probably my favorite episode this year. Sounds like an awesome guy. Great stories. I have the same fears he does, specifically growing old alone.

Re: Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: August 15th, 2015, 8:10 pm
by thepatty
I'm not sure how to articulate this, but I couldn't listen to all of Peter's episode due to his "addict talk." There is a certain way an addict (using or not using) speaks that really triggers me. I feel uneasy and just completely anxious listening to hyper addicts. I am by no means saying that Peter is using. I'm just unsure as to why his sometimes nonlinear narrative made me so anxious, and if in fact that was what was making me anxious. Has anyone else had this experience in the past or experienced it with this episode?

Re: Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: August 16th, 2015, 8:12 am
by SpookyGhost
Not with this episode, but some of the surveys are very triggering. I've had to skip them most weeks. I had to skip Gladys' interview too.

Re: Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: September 26th, 2015, 9:52 am
by Sortamaybe
Just listened to this a second time today. I really feel warmth from him. I really hope to find a group with supportive folks someday as well. The triggering aspect is interesting to me, I feel an almost similar feeling although more relate-able to people I have known in my life who maybe hadn't come out the 'other side' of addiction and were trying to angle for something by talking to me. I felt some relation to him though in ways and it was oddly comforting to me.

Re: Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: October 31st, 2015, 12:39 pm
by FixTheWagon
I loved Peter & could so identify with him. I too desperately need recovery meetings but feel like such an outcast. "My socks don't match" either. I know that there's a ton of good recovery in 12 step meetings but, when I'm in a group, I feel like an alien in a room full of humans who have the ability to interact with each other. They can look at each other in the eyes & communicate. I really enjoyed hearing from someone who is like me, whatever that is.

Re: Episode 235: Peter Hesen

Posted: April 3rd, 2016, 10:51 pm
by StartingToFeelAgain
Love, love, love this guy! First, that voice...I could listen all night.
I'm pretty sure I AM the woman whose not right for him, but I'd love to meet him, anyway.