Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

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Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by SpookyGhost »

22 year-old Melanie R. shares about living with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder which used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder), being bullied, having a perpetrator who is female, integrating her "alters" and Sensory Integration Disorder.

Melanie can be reached at hypermelanie@aim.com

Her personal blog is at loserchildhotpants.tumblr.com.
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Re: Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by MelanieRose »

It meant so much to share my story here. I can't express my gratitude enough. And thank you to all those of you that listened and to all of you that have reached out to me. <3
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Re: Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by Cami »

Dear Melanie.
Thank you for sharing your story, I was gripped from the first minute. I am so deeply facinated by the things our brain will do to cope with our experiences.
All the best,
I'm not suicidal, but I am very pro-coma..
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Re: Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by MelanieRose »

Cami - thank you so, so much for listening to my story. <3
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Re: Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by heebiejeebie »

good episode, I learned a lot. Melanie, you are very well spoken. I enjoyed your openess and honesty. thank you.
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Re: Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by MelanieRose »

Thank you, heebiejeebie! (I like your username!) I was a little worried about sounding scattered, actually - I'm really glad you found it actually coherent lol. Thank you very much <3
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Re: Episode 274: Melanie R (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post by Imissmysun »

You are remarkable -

I listened and I was just amazed at your strength - I do not think that my little broken girl self would have survived - and you did - my stuff isn't nearly as terrifying and unsettling but I know how fragile my fear of people meter is and this may have made me a hermit for life -

Your strength your message and your life choices are inspiring and I wish you to continue on your journey to healing and know that your story and your mission is helping start others healing and that makes my heart happy - I am working on my own healing - hearing your story makes me ready to get my big boots on and start mucking through my memories in my mind and start working on my stuff!

Thank you for all that you do and for sharing so openly and honestly -
Just another messed up chick, who hates her body and face, and voice, and thinks she is useless and her stuff isn't that bad and she should get over it.
-Sarah St. Lunatic
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