YOU ARE NOT ALONE - A companion online community discussion board for The Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast with Paul Gilmartin
Postings on this site are NOT by mental health professionals, rather the opinions & experiences of a community of regular people. If you feel like you are going to hurt yourself or others PLEASE call Suicide Prevention at 1-800-273-8255
Personally, I put laundry in the top ten of my self care behaviors; I'd call it critical.
In rough order: food, caffeiene, Buspar, showering/shaving, sunshine, proper hydration, tai chi, followed by our dear friend laundry.
Clean clothes are so important. I wore dirty, worn out clothes all the time at the height (or lowth) of my drinking career.
Work is love made visible. -Kahlil Gibran
A person with a "why" can endure any "how". -Viktor Frankl
Which is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? -Skyrim