The Phil Hendrie episode

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The Phil Hendrie episode

Post by flibbertyjib »

I have enjoyed the podcast since the very first episode, and I've learned a lot by listening to it. But the Phil Hendrie episode was special for me, because Phil gave a name to a particularly creepy dysfunction that I grew up with: "Seductive Mother Syndrome". I can't tell you how many times Phil or Paul said something about their mothers' behavior, and I found myself nodding in solemn agreement.

I'm posting this because I want to understand better what happened to me as a child, and how (or if) it may be affecting me as an adult. A Google search didn't show much of interest, and turned up only about 2 books that may address the subject. I know there must be more out there, so I'm asking folks here for any resources that may be enlightening.

Thank you so much, Paul (and Phil, if he's here), for the bravery that you've shown in bringing this stuff to light. It may be the most important podcast episode that I've ever listened to.
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Paul Gilmartin
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Re: The Phil Hendrie episode

Post by Paul Gilmartin »


Thank you so much. I was thrilled to get Phil as a guest, and even happier with how forthcoming he was about his mother. It really helped me. If you haven't heard the episode with Bald Bryan yet, I mention a book at the top that addresses this issue quite well. I'm about halfway into it, it's called The Emotional Incest Syndrome and it's by Dr. Pat Love. It's really helping me. What I especially like about it is it's not meant to rile the reader up with anger at a parent. It actually shows a lot of compassion for where the parent was coming from, but helps the reader see the damage and gives tips on how to undo it.

Paul :)
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Re: The Phil Hendrie episode

Post by duck1 »

I enjoyed all the podcast so far, but just listened to this one today and it really stood out.
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Re: The Phil Hendrie episode

Post by Mareda »

This episode was truly a standout - both guest-wise and Paul-sharpening-his-interview-skills-wise. Paul and Phil were so brutally honest and open with each other (and not just in the "best you ease your pants off now" kind of way), it felt like a real katharsis for them both.

I'd never heard of Phil prior to the podcast, because I obviously live under a rock. However, when he made his cameo in "This is Forty" as "Man in Range Rover" I nearly stood up in the theatre and screamed "I KNOW THAT GUY!!!1!1!". Even though I clearly don't. Bahaha. So, well done Paul and Phil.
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