Mike Carano

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Re: Mike Carano

Post by Selkie »

I just listened to him over the weekend. I don't think he's in therapy yet, and he still tells stories about foolish things he does that seem ok to do until he snaps out of it. Like when he drove down to Tucsan to visit his recently widowed relative, of just deciding to blow it off and go fool around in the city (he snapped out of it before he actually did it). The guy still worries me, but his two cohosts sound like they are pressuring him more to get help lately.
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Re: Mike Carano

Post by jeesau »

Woo wee...intense indeed. I agree with other people who posted that Paul did a great job. I too hope that Mike will be OK. There were moments when I could hear that kid inside him that had a messed up childhood who's wondering what the hell is going on.
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Re: Mike Carano

Post by aseiado »

Very interesting episode, Mike is certainly a complex guy. I understand him way better now, nice guy, fucked up, but very nice guy. I hope he comes back to update us on his life and I hope he keeps the good work not getting drunk everyday. I drink a glass or two of wine every now and then and I was getting worried I was drinking too much, after listening to Mike I'm thinking I should drink more just for the antioxidant properties of wine ;)
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Re: Mike Carano

Post by les »

Hope this is appropriate here. Mr. Carano was wondering how to find a support group. For 13 years I have attended Recovery International meetings. http://www.lowselfhelpsystems.org/index.asp
The mission of Recovery International is to use the cognitive-behavioral, peer-to-peer, self-help training system developed by Abraham Low, MD, to help individuals gain skills to lead more peaceful and productive lives.
Local meetings can be found at the website.
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Re: Mike Carano

Post by Nevina »

Awww I just listened to this episode, and all I wanted to do is give Mike a big hug. I stopped halfway through to add him on Twitter, and after the episode I listened to the latest After Disaster (which I had never heard of). I really identified with...not specific things he was saying, but the way his mind seemed to be working, and the kinds of negative self talk that he had. I think he's definitely someone I'll keep on my radar.
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Re: Mike Carano

Post by ghughes1980 »

I listened to this episode before I got back on meds and a lot of the things he was dealing with I think I thought where "normal" at the time because I dealt with them in my own life. So I don't think they really registered with me at the time as something really wrong. Like me basic questions seemed to really muddle him up, if you listen to his recent Doctor Drew appearance he seems to be working things out. Just getting a baseline back on emotions can really help a lot. I just finished the episode again this morning and you can really tell that he was in a dark place then but now he's gained something and seems more grounded.
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Re: Mike Carano

Post by fifthsonata »

He did a recent interview with Dr. Drew; you guys should check it out. A pretty stark contrast to this episode.
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