Episode 26: Paula Newman

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Episode 26: Paula Newman

Post by Sufilizard »

Another fascinating episode. I'm curious about the condition she referenced, "myofascial something or other." Did anyone catch what she said it was or have any idea what it is?
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Re: Episode 26: Paula Newman

Post by Bigtime »

What an amazing episode! And I say that having listened to all of them except for one!

I had an "OH MY GOD" moment as soon as I heard about Paul talk about his Candida. My wife just self diagnosed the same thing and went on a no sugar diet that seems to have helped a lot. It is a real issue, and in her case her doctors never brought it up. I'm hoping to share this particular episode with her for a number of reasons.
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Re: Episode 26: Paula Newman

Post by aseiado »

Another excellent podcast, great guest! Only complain is that now I will have to listen to it again, so much information and interesting issues...
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Joined: October 7th, 2011, 2:07 pm

Re: Episode 26: Paula Newman

Post by ama »

I just listened to this podcast and really appreciated that she mentioned what a nightmare the workman's comp system is. My husband got injured several years ago and we had a seriously awful experience with it for over a year, and it's rough because so few people have been through it that they don't understand. Although I'm sorry that Paula had to go through it too, it's somehow validating to hear someone else agree that it sucks.
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