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Listener Kim's email

Posted: August 5th, 2012, 8:49 am
by Glock therapy
Wow, just listened and am in tears. I'm a 47 yo man, yet what she wrote hit so close, somehow. I guess it's the self-hatred, the fear of disclosure of what feels like weakness, the need to "present" in a way that'll be appealing to others because I stink so bad just beneath the surface. Maybe it's that I started to feel all those things at around the same age, and how I felt, and continue to feel, that it's ridiculous to have the "problems" that I do. Also hit squarely how I feel about the podcast and how it's helped me learn to be more open in therapy and with a few folks close to me. And how the typical stories of resilience that we tend to hear are of the sort that just make a depressed person feel more like shit--"he overcame ___ to become an Olympic champion". Just really poignant too, opens me right up, to hear that pain coming from such a young person. I'm not a dad, but just feel so protective of kids and teens, and am particularly sensitive when hearing of their pain (The Wire, Season 4, anyone?)

Don't have much to say really... just really touched by her email and glad Paul chose to include it on show (Was on show therefore appropriate to post about it here, correct? When feeling as I do now, I feel like everything I do and say is wrong, wrong, wrong). Let me take this opportunity to thank Paul and guests for this show. It's special; it's necessary; it helps. Peace everybody. I wish everyone a good day today. That's all, just a good day today. :)

Re: Listener Kim's email

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 12:34 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Welcome to the forum, Glock therapy, stay a spell, look around! :D

Re: Listener Kim's email

Posted: August 19th, 2012, 10:13 am
by Glock therapy
Thanks; I appreciate you saying so. Though haven't been on here, I do continue to listen to and be inspired by the show. Thanks for the work you do on this site; it's really helpful that this remains spam-/inappropriateness/troll-free so thanks for giving your time and effort to that. Peace.