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Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: October 26th, 2012, 6:26 am
by Herself
After looking forward to the podcast all week, I appreciate long episodes. You want 20 minute podcasts? Listen to it in shifts. Stop givng Paul something else to worry about!

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: October 26th, 2012, 7:22 am
by Parks Dad
Well said, Herself and thank you Paul, for a helpful podcast.

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: November 7th, 2012, 5:16 am
by Cherry_Iceee
Personally i love the length of them. They arent too long and arent too short. I clean buildings and work alone most buildings take an hour and half. This is a perfect podcast for work. I dont have to constantly stop what im doing to start a new one. It never leaves me wanting more nor does this time frame ramble on until it becomes white noise. I love it! I hope it never changes.

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 4:50 am
by Anne
Same here. I have been listening to the podcast for a long time and couldn't even imagine why Paul would be so apologetic about the length of an episode. There have been episodes where I was even a little dissappointed when they were over.

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: December 2nd, 2012, 2:53 am
by Paul Gilmartin
Thanks for saying so you guys. You know the showbiz thing about always leave em' wanting more. That's always in the back of my mind, that if too many episodes are too long, then people will stop listening because it takes up too much of their time.

Paul :)

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 4:10 pm
by Sabriel
I love the length and sometimes wish you were able to get into more with some of the guests. I don't really think about the length while I'm listening, just totally absorbed in the episode and what is being discussed.

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: January 9th, 2013, 7:56 pm
by HeathMcF
Just keep going...

If there's good material, then go for it! The longer it is, the more time I get to enjoy it!!

Great intro on Maria's podcast today!! ;)

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: January 28th, 2013, 11:49 am
by Cheldoll
People will always find something to complain about. I've never felt a podcast dragged on unnecessarily -- on the contrary, oftentimes they're cut short.

You know what they say...
Haters gotta hate. Potatoes gotta potate.

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: January 28th, 2013, 3:47 pm
by Jenny Jump
I LOVEY MC LOVE the length of the podcasts! I wish they were longer.

Re: Why are people whining about the length of the podcast?

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 8:02 pm
by Sabriel
One thing I didn't comment on the last time I wrote on this one is that it's ridiculous for people to bitch about the length of the podcast being to long. It's a podcast, not a live radio show where you can't pause and pick up on it later. I find I do this a lot depending on what kind of time I have at the moment to listen. Both with this and with The Nerdist podcast which I also listen too all the time. I will say that when I first found this show and came to the decision to listen to a bunch of them ( before going to listening to all) I would specifically look for the longer ones to download. I'm a little sad that I'm totally caught up now though because I loved it when I still had a bunch of the shows to listen to.