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Episode 89 Anya Maria-- What a sweetheart

Posted: December 6th, 2012, 8:40 am
by inmymind
I don't come to this website much, but after listening to Anya in episode 89, I felt compelled to post how soothing her voice was, and how genuinly sweet she seemed in coming forward with the honesty of her life. Nobody is an angel, but for all the good or bad she has ever done in her life, I detect that she just seems to me to be a beautiful human being. It just goes to illustrate how screwed up our self-preception is sometimes. Her overactive mind which kept conguring up false thoughts about how everyone must be looking at her body, and thinking negative things is a good example of negative chatter that our minds can generate, and that we should ignore.

Anya, I love the way your sound, and not just your singing voice. Thanks for sharing your song. Love to hear more, and I'd love to hear if anyone else has ever told you what a soothing aura you bring over those you've just sat down and had a casual conversation with.

Peace and love to all.