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Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 3:19 am
by gfyourself
Her childhood marked with social stress, being bullied, aggressiveness and severe digestive issues (including Barrett’s Esophagus a condition involving acid reflux usually only found in adults) Louise was finally diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, also known as high-functioning autism. She shares on what it’s like to live with it, how it expresses itself in her life and the hurdles society has to overcome in understanding and accepting those with Aspergers.

Re: Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 11:31 am
by ghughes1980
I related to Louise's story a lot. Louise, thanks for sharing.

Waiting for so long for the correct diagnosis must have been frustrating. The 1980's seems to have been the decade of discovery of a great number of conditions but I'm betting Aspergers has been around longer than that.
This episode is great and people should be spreading links all around social media for this one.

Re: Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 5:33 pm
by gfmyself
I signed up just to comment on the episode about Louise. I'm glad to finally hear an Aspergers person talk. I think she was interesting, funny and cute. Hand flapping when happy? That's adorable haha. I'm not on the spectrum, but I related to a lot of what Louise said. What really bummed me out, though, was hearing that 80% of Autistic people are unemployed. If it's because of social stigma, then society needs to get over their unusual behaviors. Anyway, just wanted to say I appreciate Louise coming on and talking about what it's like living with Aspergers. Hopefully she'll come on again!

Re: Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: June 29th, 2013, 2:47 pm
by gfyourself
Hey Paul,

This was another good one. You are right about its cool to see people that have the same struggles in a different situation, ok, not cool, but somehow connective and relating. Also thanks for reading the forum post.

About your comments about the sex and voyeurism at the end... I never really thought about the focus on sex but yeah I suppose there is a lot about fantasies and so forth. I don't see you as trying to "get your jollies" out of it, you were/are trying to get some comfort and/or insight on what happened in your past.

Maybe it would be good to have two types of shame / secrets surveys - one with the sex stuff and one without. There are so many other areas of shame and secrets to focus on! Like the one about the baseball cards. My dad said he always felt bad about selling off his old hockey and other sports cards because we couldn't get to see them. He sold them for $100 or $200 (back when you could actually buy something for that amount).

Re: Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: June 29th, 2013, 4:13 pm
by lance
Hi Louise, as if that were your real name. I have nonverbal learning disorder, which is often misdiagnosed as Asperger's based on what I've read about my condition. I share so many of your traits, except I can't do math. NLD people just cannot handle math. That part of the brain is missing. Best wishes to you.

Re: Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: July 1st, 2013, 2:16 am
by box-dog
I fucking love this episode. I've only recently come to know Aspergers through an aspie forum and some youtube videos and I really, really, relate. I'm convinced I have it but can't be bothered getting a proper diagnosis since they're removing it from DSM IV anyway. But knowing myself that I have it and applying techniques to my every day life has helped a little bit. I can relate so much to you Louise..Well done and thanks for the interview.

Re: Episode 120: Aspergers – Listener Louise

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 5:05 am
by marathonbar
I was fascinated to hear that when she was younger she went to a therapist who specifically dealt with digestion issues. I had horrible stomach problems as a child that I now know were anxiety-related. It pisses me off that not one doctor ever suggested mental help. Great episode!