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Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 9th, 2013, 1:52 pm
by gfyourself
The therapist who is also in recovery helps Paul and some listeners (via surveys) navigate their discomfort and confusion about their current issues. They discuss the cliched but effective tools of self-parenting and inner-child work, as well as the line therapists draw regarding self-revelation to their clients.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 9th, 2013, 3:49 pm
by ghughes1980
I liked where the first half of the show was going but it felt incomplete some how. Usually there is something that clicks for me that an apply to my situation and help get me over an obstacle (usually a small one but really small is good). This time I dunno something fell short. Not being a sex abuse survivor the second half while compelling really didn't click for me either but they if that applies to others that's great, I hope someone was able to be moved along in their journey. For those looking for a 2 hour block of discussion on self-parenting and inner child work along with some surveys about sexual trauma this week is for you.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 9th, 2013, 5:06 pm
by gfmyself
The best episode so far. Susan Hagen was easy to listen to and had fascinating insight that resonated with me more than any of the other episodes. As Paul said, I too have seen "inner-child" stuff as weird and silly, but after listening to Susan, I'm going to look into it for myself. Please have her back on! Heck, have her as a co-host! Susan and Paul had great chemistry. Also, Paul, if you're reading this, I'm impressed at how you've gotten better and better at interviewing your guests. Please don't ever quit.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 5:13 pm
by lojolane
This episode reminded me to be a more conscience parent. Sadly I am one of those parents that can fall short emotionally once and awhile. I always find it refreshing to have my head pulled out of my butt. Ahhhh fresh air......thanks Paul an Susan!! :clap:

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 11th, 2013, 9:00 pm
by lolabellablu
paul, this is the most important episode you have ever done.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 13th, 2013, 9:18 am
by kitkat
I'm about an hour in to the episode, so I can't comment fully so far, but I wanted to say something before I forget, so excuse me if maybe they bring this up later. First, I'm really enjoying it and the inner child stuff. It sounds scary to try, but I want to, too.

Secondly, regarding the first survey with Mr M, they talk about how he is depressed because his family was manipulative but he doesn't realize it or hasn't processed it. Which could totally be true. I realized that was the case for me when I felt guilty for feeling bad while not knowing why. However, couldn't it also be that he actually had a good upbringing and is depressed just because of chemical inbalances and depression? Aren't there people who legitimately have no reasons to be depressed but still are?

That just made me think.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 14th, 2013, 6:18 pm
by AlbertFiennes
I really heard what Susan had to say about sibling incest and the entangled power/sexual dynamics that must be happening with the parents. In a nutshell, this clarified so much for me about the dynamics in my own sexual relationships and my sexual socialization. I could never figure out why there was almost a predatory sexual dynamic that I sensed as a young woman growing up in a household where my dad was so clearly into my mom and also so abusive and controlling of us kids. There is a lot to explore. Thanks Paul for providing a forum for so much exploration and learning to happen.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 5:21 pm
by marathonbar
I loved this episode. She sounds like a wonderful therapist. I appreciated what she had to say about the whole "inner child" exploration. I did something similar with my therapist. She had me write out a dialogue between myself and the issue we were discussing. I was hesitant at first-- it sounded so goofy and New Agey-- but it was amazing. I would've never imagined the stuff that came out on that paper. Now I use that technique as a tool whenever anything's bothering me.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 7:59 pm
by sdjustinr
Great episode. I recommend anyone interested in inner child healing check out books by John Bradshaw (he has lots of talks up on youtube) and Alice Miller. Very interesting stuff.

Re: Episode 126: Therapist Susan Hagen Helps Paul & Some ...

Posted: August 16th, 2013, 2:47 pm
by Hail Ceasar
Wow, this may be the most nurturing woman I've ever listened to. As someone with no inner child issues, this was still one of the most fascinating and informative episodes. This might sound odd, but I kinda want Susan to read me a bedtime story :D