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Episode 152: Lindsay

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 6:01 pm
by LongDoggie
I mostly relate to Lindsay's struggle with keratosis polaris. It may not be life threatening, but for me, it's always been a source of body shame and embarrassment. I've never wanted anyone to see me naked in the light because of it. I've had it all my life and never even knew it was a thing until a couple months ago. I had acne as well, so I guess I just figured it never went away, just moved from my face to my body. Anyway, I've found some things that really help and wanted to share for Lindsay, and since apparently it's extremely common, anyone else with the same problem.

If Lindsay reads this, I think she'll understand when I say after a few weeks, it's getting harder and harder to find anything new to pick, of course I can resort to old scabs :( My skin is smoother than it's been in many many years which feels great.

I'm using three different treatments I found online. I'm not sure if all are necessary, but none are expensive and I'm determined to not look like a chicken pox victim with my clothes off for the rest of my life.

If you don't have one, you need to get this gadget called LeEdge (no I don't get any money from the manufacturer). It looks like a razor and even has a blade, but it's not sharp. It's not expensive. You can find it online. You scrape the thing across wet skin in the shower. You will be amazed at the gunk that comes off you. It's not as satisfying as picking, but it's pretty cool in a gross way, and the best part is that it's not destructive, well probably could be if you got carried away, but you'd have to really work at it.

The other treatment I found is coconut oil on the skin in the shower, so I do that first and follow with the LeEdge thing. Finally I use a lotion called AmLactin, which is the doctor approved treatment that doesn't seem to do a lot by itself. I think you can get all three for under $30. I'm trying some other topical stuff for scar healing, but I don't know if it helps and the scars will eventually heal if I just leave my poor skin alone.

I hope this info is helpful.

Re: Episode 152: Lindsay

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 7:34 pm
by jibun-kakumei
I made an account so I could say this. I heard another guest say things about picking at their skin before but I can't remember who. If anyone is picking at their skin I really recommend looking up dermatillomania. It just got into the new DSM and is officially called something else in there but most people who have it seem to know it as dermatillomania. This website it the main organization for skin picking and other like conditions in the U.S. I wonder if there is a way to let Lindsay know if she doesn't know since this was recorded awhile ago she could know now.

Re: Episode 152: Lindsay

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 3:49 am
by ghughes1980
This episode was A+ a bunch of the issues where hitting home for me. I'd have to say issues about parents aside, the rest was fantastic. It's very helpful to me hearing other people's stories relating to physical discomfort.

Re: Episode 152: Lindsay

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 6:10 am
by Mentalart
This episode was great as usual. I hope Lindsay is doing OK... She seemed funny and friendly. I hope she found a good therapist and is enjoying her work and life.

Re: Episode 152: Lindsay

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 12:29 pm
by TMF
After hearing this episode I feel like I have to make a post in hopes this gets to Lindsay.

I had an alcholic father as well and recently came to realize the effects it has had on my person. In my depression I found Al-Anon. A group that helps people who have struggled with alchololism in a friend or relative. This has helped me tremendously and highly encourage Lindsay to seek out Al-Anon groups in her area. THEY'RE FREE. So no worry on the money issue there. Maybe your first step towards therapy?

Best of luck Lindsay. I hope you find Al-Anon and serenity in your life.