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Episode 182: Pia Glenn

Posted: July 19th, 2014, 10:54 am
by gfyourself
I think I liked this episode. I would like to have heard more about her earlier years late teens - early 20's.
I definitely like the last 1/3 or 1/4 of the episode but I can't remember the specifics.
More followup on how she felt about not being asked out / approached would have been good.
Its interesting based on a simple google search that she had a relationship with Salman Rushdie and that didn't come up in the interview... I don't think it was a necessary topic but a bit curious it wasn't raised.

Re: Episode 182: Pia Glenn

Posted: July 24th, 2014, 5:31 am
by margin
Mostly a good episode. She and Paul seemed to really connect, probably because of their shared past with abusive mothers. I connected with her statements about not dating until in her 20s because of all the other issues going on in her life and would have liked to have heard more about that.

I agree that there should have been more followup about her not being asked out. It's something that's heard from many actresses, models, etc... in interviews and it's usually attributed to men being intimidated by those women. Perhaps that's possible. But as you wrote she had a relationship with Salman Rushdie. She stated that he pursued her for over a year before they became lovers. So a man, who she described as intelligent and who appreciated her intelligence which she found sexy, was asking her out for over a year before she accepted. Perhaps she's being approached more than she realizes or will admit.

Their relationship ended pretty dramatically with a lot of hard feelings between them and nasty public statements about each other. I think that's something that should have been discussed, and could have been discussed without turning into gossip.

Re: Episode 182: Pia Glenn

Posted: November 13th, 2014, 1:45 pm
by Harlow
Yeah, was really disappointed in this one.

A bit of research would've reveled the Rushdie thing, and Paul didn't pursue the perpetually single thing enough. It happened to be just the topic I needed last night, but it left a lot lacking.

Re: Episode 182: Pia Glenn

Posted: November 13th, 2014, 1:46 pm
by Harlow