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Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 5:34 am
by Jimmy
Where did she get her Phd? A cracker jack box? I'd like to know what school she went to so I can make sure I don't send my kids there.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 4:53 pm
by IdentityPoltergeist
This is just mean for the sake of being mean. I could understand not enjoying her or her perspective, however, you did not give any constructive feedback. A quick google search would answer your question.

Please try to demonstrate respectful disagreement rather than being unkind.

I didn't fully endorse all of her views but I still appreciate her as an advocate for girls and women forced into these horrid situations.

I don't mean to make you feel attacked, I just want you to be more aware of how your post came across. You have a right to your feelings and questioning of someone's expertise, just be more tactful in the future please. It will reflect better on the forum as a whole.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 8:49 pm
by Jimmy
I don't disagree with anything she said. I'm in full agreement with her, but was stunned at how little she knew about certain aspects of mental illness. It's attitudes like yours that lead to mediocrity becoming accepted in the profession. A mediocre Phd in psychology can cause immense damage to society. I'm genuinely shocked that someone this obtuse can obtain a Phd in psychology.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 4:46 am
by IdentityPoltergeist
That's exactly what I was lookin for so thank you for elaborating. Constructive criticism is needed in the world, it's part of how we learn and grow.

She isn't a practicing therapist at least. There are several counselors in schools who have no business working with children, a lack of education in this field is very important. You have a legitimate concern. I listen to podcasts all day at work so I don't recall this 100%, maybe someone else will have thoughts on her qualifications or the work she does. I can say as a victim of sexual assault, I would not visit her a second time. I wouldn't want to dance it have my mental illness go unaddressed. But for girls who just need a support group and a self esteem boost, with few options in life, it is better than nothing certainly.

I'm guessing Paul had her recommended to him by a listener, someone must have thought something of her or this program.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 5:34 am
by rivergirl
I was only a little way into the episode when I read the comments above, so I looked up Dr. Amadi's credentials. I won't be listening to the rest of the interview, I just can't. She seems to have received some of her training from a private Christian university not far from where I work. That part is fine, it's the man she chooses to quote on her web page that I found to be stunning given that she works with abused girls. Due to my family background I'm unfortunately too familiar with the worst of the Christian teachers of extreme corporal punishment that verges on child abuse, and he is one of the worst. Just google Roy Lessin and abuse. A woman named Beth Fenimore (I think that's the correct spelling) wrote an open letter to him about this. Her father was one of the illustrators of his books and her parents were personally trained by Lessin on how to punish her. She was also hit by Lessin's wife, Char. I don't know what Dr. Amadi's personal views are on any of this, but I find it really odd that she could not know about him given that he is one of a few that are often mentioned as promoting emotional and physical abuse under the guise of Christian parenting. The only ones I'm familiar with who are worse are Michael and Debi Pearl (they're the ones some of my family members follow).

The above isn't a criticism of Paul at all. I don't think a lot of people outside of fundamentalist Christianity would recognize his name.

Sorry for the rant, just a super sensitive area for me given my personal experiences with so-called "Christian" child beaters.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 6:01 am
by rivergirl
The web page I referred to with the Roy Lessin quote is Dr. Amadi's faculty web page at the private Christian college, Hope International University. She is apparently on the faculty there.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 17th, 2014, 5:48 am
by Jimmy
@Identity You seem like a really nice person. @Rivergirl While I really like Paul and this podcast he really messed up picking this woman to interview. I looked up what you mentioned and was appalled at what I found. None of it surprised me however, given what came out of Amadi's mouth. I figured she must have some kind of crazy Christian background to continue to believe in God despite "earning" a Phd in biology. Only a dolt can study biology at that level and remain a conventional Christian. Paul needs to vet his guests better.

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 17th, 2014, 8:13 pm
by rivergirl
Now I'm feeling a bit foolish for attributing so much to one quote on her web page. I can get irrational when certain pastors/authors who promote what I consider to be child abuse are mentioned (particularly those who recommend methods that I've experienced in my own family).

Jimmy, I agree with you that Identity seems like a very good person. Me, not so much!

Re: Episode 194: Dr. Peace Amadi

Posted: October 26th, 2014, 3:00 pm
by Jimmy
Now I'm feeling a bit foolish for attributing so much to one quote on her web page. I can get irrational when certain pastors/authors who promote what I consider to be child abuse are mentioned (particularly those who recommend methods that I've experienced in my own family).

Jimmy, I agree with you that Identity seems like a very good person. Me, not so much!
You were completely justified in pointing out that someone who works with abused children should NOT be quoting a known advocate of child abuse. It was a great observation and I appreciate it. It jibes with my instincts about Peace Amadi who I really didn't like.