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Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: December 11th, 2016, 4:08 pm
by neufena
Has anyone tried online therapy like talk space or better help? Are they any good or just a scam to make money?

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: December 28th, 2016, 2:06 pm
by PhryneFisher
I was just coming to the forum, to ask this question myself :)

Going to research Talk Space next...

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: January 10th, 2017, 3:31 pm
by neufena
Betterhelp rejected me as not suitable for online therapy (likely because of suicidal thoughts).

Talkspace seems like a scam. I wrote lots to a 'therapist' who then told me all the pricing but would not discuss how the therapy would work or if they thought I could be helped. She just kept saying "that's something you'll discuss once signed up and matched to a therapist" to which I ask was she then not a therapist but a sales person.

I suspect if I do pay the over $100 per month I'll get matched with someone at random.with no real plan of how to tackle my issues.

That said I've run out of options so might have to go with it after all.

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: January 20th, 2017, 12:48 am
by neufena
Since they have started to advertise on the podcast I decided to take the plunge and give online therapy a try. I can't really afford it but I feel I have to try.

So far I'm on Betterhelp. The therapist I've been matched with feels she can't help me accept my worthlessness and failure. Like so many therapists she wants to brainwash me to feel not worthless or a failure. I've been there before, it's dangerous as i then stop avoiding making a fool of myself.

Also I noticed the frequency of replies has dropped since the free trial has finished.

It may help some people but so far it's just a money drain for me.

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: February 1st, 2017, 5:27 am
by neufena
I think after another week I'm going to cancel. For me the factors are:

1) going days without a reply leading to anxiety
2) spending too long trying to convince her to help me come to terms with what I am not create a false reality
3) lack of any 'work'. No homework, tasks or anything just normal thought diaries that I could do for myself
4) cost, it's a hell of a lot for a couple of chat replies.

Now to work up the courage to tell the therapist rather than just cancel and disappear.

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: February 1st, 2017, 11:21 am
by manuel_moe_g
Much strength to you, neufena

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: April 28th, 2018, 9:16 pm
by Mosesvampslayer
I've been on better help for a month or so now. So far it has been great for me if only to have someone to listen to me. I'm learning how to talk, which is huge for me. I would say it's more about what your response is than what the therapist does or says. If you're not open to their opinions then there's no point. If you don't trust them find a different one. My perspective on it is you're alot more likely to find one on better help than locally. There are just way more to choose from.
I'm not really sure if my therapist has actually done a whole lot to help by what she says to me, rather it has been my own work that's the cause of growth. It might be a rip off even for me but the growth so far is dramatic so it doesn't really matter what her role in it is. After all, the goal is to improve yourself and figure out how to deal with your issues, not how often you get a worksheet. No one but you is going to fix your problems. It's scary, but what's the alternative?
Let's talk again in a few hours when I'm in the depressive cycle and I will join you in the excuse train.
Hope you all found a solution that works for ya

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: May 3rd, 2018, 12:26 pm
by bigeekgirl
Mosesvampslayer - love your user name and post. Any relation to Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter? Apologies for silly at serious thread, I couldn't resist.

Everyone who has commented is a badass for continuing to look for solutions when you are in pain.

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: May 3rd, 2018, 7:12 pm
by Ihavetinnitus_mawp
I agree with moose. If the therapist isn't working for you, switch. My first week on BetterHelp was a waste. My assigned therapist was not right for me at all. I confronted her about it and her response and indifference confirmed my intuition. I switched therapists and am enjoying my current pick. You owe it to yourself to keep trying, but you have to want to improve... They can't do it for you. That said if you don't have a good rapport and trust, they probably won't be able to help you move forward.

Re: Has anyone tried online therapy?

Posted: May 4th, 2018, 6:10 pm
by bigeekgirl
You owe it to yourself to keep trying, but you have to want to improve.
I would note, there's no requirement to believe improvement is possible. Just want it and be willing to try.