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Posted: April 21st, 2015, 4:57 pm
by WiltedRose
Wasn't sure where I could post it. Hoping someone will see it. I was loooking for anyone who have had experience with DBS. (deep brain stim). It kind of scares me, But I have chronic (refractory of course) struggles... mainly the most visible issue has been my lifetime of eating disorder, but the anxiety/depression are comorbidites - and all are deeply intertwine with OCD. The rigid rules, obsessive thinking, routines... in many ways throughout the day but in the last year or so behaviours play out spending 5 hours/day at the gym.IT's anxiety driven. trying to avoid the gnawing angst and depression that sickly sit in my stomach. My eating disorder is bad now - but the OCD is driving it all, I think.
My exhaustive list of meds are shameful (my p doc is an ed specialist). I swear I've been on it all since the late eighties... currently I am taking Vyvanse,, Xanax XR, lamictal, buspar, pristique,trazoodone, klonopin prn, (and I plethora of meds to help with the gi issues my ED has provoked... and supplements to help my electorolytes). My doctor, who is phenomenal with meds, seems at a loss as to what else we might add or change. SO her idea now is considering an eval in the city with two doctors who have been studying the effects of DBS on ocd.....
thank you.