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Re: Support groups, live and local?

Posted: February 11th, 2020, 9:39 pm
by Brooke

I am so sorry to hear about your cancer!! I am so glad that you are OK now...!! Not having a support system must have been tough... I can't imagine if I didn't have anyone through such difficulties... I would have many of the issues that you were having as well. I would probably have significant amout of suicidal thoughts...(although I'd probably be too scared to do it...) I'm glad you found a good therapist! It's so hard to find the right match for you.

Yeah, being able to share in this forum is a life-saver!! I'm so happy that you also found a great local meeting where you could just spill your guts out!

You are such a compassionate person... :pray: Being able to connect with other in such a deep way is so fulfilling. Even if you can't help them in a practical sense, just being there and understanding helps A LOT.

Personally, I haven't been to a meeting (fibromyalgia, but mostly because of social anxiety) but I want to be able to go at some point. But I KNOW they are so therapeutic, so hang in there!!
