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General question re: meds for bipolar

Posted: September 16th, 2016, 11:22 am
by HowDidIGetHere
Just a general question that I'm hoping someone can provide some info on. I've heard many times that putting someone with bipolar on an antidepressant rather than a mood stabilizer can cause them to become manic (or hypomanic, or whatever their version of manic is). Is there a similar danger in putting someone with unipolar depression on a mood stabilizer?


Re: General question re: meds for bipolar

Posted: September 16th, 2016, 5:10 pm
by brownblob
I don't think so. I tried lithium for my depression and I read up on it and it can be used for people with unipolar depression. I know Paul has talked about taking lamictal for depression which I believe is considered a mood stabilizer.

Re: General question re: meds for bipolar

Posted: September 16th, 2016, 6:41 pm
by HowDidIGetHere
Thanks, BB. It's been suggested more than once recently that my formerly "unipolar depression with obsessive features" might actually be rapid-cycling bipolar and I figure it will be much easier to get put on a mood stabilizer if I can just say to the next doc I see "there's no harm in trying, right?"