Small thing, but a bit of a challenge

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Small thing, but a bit of a challenge

Post by snoringdog »

When walking thru the neighborhood with my namesake, I'll occasionally take note of something interesting that someone's done to their house or yard...

So today, I finally did something I've thought about for awhile - left anonymous notes in two house's mailboxes, to compliment and thank the owners.

One is a small house where they outlined the roof and chimney in white lights which looks classy. Took a lot of effort, and I haven't seen too much of this lately.

The other is a small house with several of the (kinda awful) blowup decorations, but in the middle of it, they stuck three pretty goofy statues of the Stooges - Moe, Larry & Curley. They've done this for the last couple of years, and so help me, I can't help but chuckle each time I pass.

I was a little embarrassed to leave the notes but hell, why not... maybe it will make them smile. ;)

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Re: Small thing, but a bit of a challenge

Post by oak »

I like that.

That took courage.
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