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Posted: June 27th, 2012, 6:02 pm
by minigrogs
Just wondering if anyone has taken Lamictal? I was just put on it a day ago. So I am currently taking Lamictal (just starting dose of 25mg), and Pristiq 50 mg. I just stopped taking Focalin (ADD drug), as might be increasing agitation, and have to get me back to baseline, before messing with that again. Luckily, I don't have much to focus on at moment, just teaching tennis. I started to feel better so maybe focalin was making my issues worse. However, tonight I am a bit upset, but more situational as I am rightfully very irritated with someone in my life right now. It is hard to make me angry, so I know this is fair. I don't want to go into the situation here though.

Anyway, onto an important question, if you do take Lamictal, have you drank with it? I do like a beer or 2 but am freaked out to drink on It. It is hard to get a grip on its affects on alcohol from what I have read. Other psych meds like pristiq don't impact me that much, although I tend to stop after 1-2 drinks, maybe 3 if not driving. But I haven't drank yet combining pristiq and lamictal, and I would like to enjoy the occasional drink, but would also like to avoid hospital visits. I know there are people who say never drink on psych drugs. I get your perspective but I really am looking for whether or not I can have a drink or 2 socially without dying.
If you have any clue, let me know.


Re: Lamictal

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 8:46 am
by jenloiacono

I have not had any experience with taking Lamictal, but my suggestion would be that since you were just put on it a day ago, and you just stopped taking the Focalin, i would hold off on the alcohol until you, like you said, get back to baseline, and you give the Lamictal a chance to show any non alcohol related side affects in your system.

I didn't experience really any issues drinking on my meds (other than having some un med related alcohol dependency issues), but i don't think the two experiences can really compare since we're talking about completely different types of meds and combinations (i'm on celexa and klonopin).

I would stay away from it for a while, and see how your system reacts to all the med changes, then slowly introduce alcohol back into the mix. if you're super worried, i'd ask your doctor what they honestly think, not just what they're "supposed to tell you". Mine has been honest with me in that regard, hopefully yours will do the same.

good luck!


Re: Lamictal

Posted: June 30th, 2012, 5:36 pm
by minigrogs
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for the reply. At the moment I am doing well. I have drank a little on it, but I am on a low dose. Limiting myself to 2 drinks max now, and have been home with parents while drinking, so very safe environment. Definitely more of a light weight, but nothing bad from it. I have never had problems in past, but I get the feeling this drug is not something I want to overdo it with. So if I do drink 1-2, maybe 3 drinks, if I feel okay, but more than that I think will be pushing it. Guess I have to test it out, and continue to see as I increase doses. Unless, I feel awful from it, I probably wont stop completely, as I enjoy sitting outside in summer and having a beer or 2, but I dont need more than that. Yet, if that won't cause problems I don't want to have to give it up. I live with my parents, and they enjoy the happy hour drink as well. Sort of a family bonding time. Not that I have to drink during it, and don't think I have a problem with drinking or anything like that. But as I said I enjoy it socially, and don't want to have to give it up completely, unless it harms me physically or mentally, which it is not now. Thanks again, and I appreciate your input! :)!


Re: Lamictal

Posted: June 30th, 2012, 8:01 pm
by diaz
I could be wrong about this, but I think alcohol is more dangerous for people on anti-psychotic medications. I don't think it's as big of an issue with anti-depressants.
I've been on anti-depressants forever and have never noticed any side effects when I've consumed alcohol - although I have been told by doctors that it cancels them out.

Re: Lamictal

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 3:42 am
by in_media_res
Lamictal actually isn't an anti-depressant or an anti-psychotic -- it's considered an anti-convulsant, for treating epilepsy.

I checked a few references -- a long list of warnings, but alcohol didn't seem that problematic. Lamictal causes drowsiness, and alcohol can increase that problem.

Good luck.

Re: Lamictal

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 5:22 pm
by minigrogs
True lamictal is used for epilepsy, but I am on it for mood regulation. It is also used off-label for depression, and bipolar disorder. It is supposed to work well for Bipolar II. Although, an interesting tidbit from Wikipedia states: In Japan, Lamotrigine is classified as a narcotic and prior to entering the country a proper license must be obtained from the patient's country's Japanese embassy.[citation needed]

Since there is no citation I don't know if this is true, but good to know if I ever plan on visiting Japan while taking the drug!


Re: Lamictal

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 11:19 am
by tonyecho
I am a social binge drinker(meaning I drink socially to get drunk and do not drink daily) and I take lamagotrine.

I have never noticed any significant side effects but my dr. repeatedly tells me the alcohol cancels the meds effectiveness.

Little first hand experience for you. Best of luck.

Re: Lamictal

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 1:57 pm
by minigrogs
Thanks Tony. Good to know.

Re: Lamictal

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 6:38 pm
by meh
I've been on Lamictal for Bipolar II since April. I'm currently up to 300 mg and feeling more or less ok... not great but not awful.

I gave up drinking for good about a month ago. I've heard all the warnings about drinking while bipolar and didn't really take them seriously until it was made pretty obvious to me that sometimes really BAD THINGS happen when I drink. I was never a binge drinking, more like a (very) social drinker who now and then got drunk or stupid drunk and would do stupid self-destructive things or try to blow up my marriage.

So I made the decision to stop. Unfortunately my wife is also a very social drinker and now she's lost a drinking buddy. That's one less thing holding us together.

On the plus side, I have like 300 extra calories to burn every day.

Re: Lamictal

Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 1:07 pm
by EliCash
I've been on Lamotrigine for a few years now, 300mg a day. I've drank plenty of alcohol over the course of those years, and it is most definitely not an issue.