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Seasonal Affective Disorder- Light Boxes
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 2:15 pm
by minigrogs
I was just wondering if anyone uses a light therapy box for seasonal affective DIsorder (SAD) or if anyone has recommendations? Both my therapist and psychiatrist have suggested it for me. I am not good as these days get darker. Feedback?
Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder- Light Boxes
Posted: October 29th, 2012, 4:47 am
by Kanata
I use one and it gets me through the dark and grey here on the west coast. Mine is quite large and comes on screw on legs that hold it above my head. I was told to look for one that put the light coming down from above like the sun does. My laptop fits under it so I sit in front of it each morning for 30 mins from about October until March (I live on the west coast of Canada in a Valley - That's our grey season). I grab breakfast and turn it on first thing and after the first week it gets to be routine. It really lets me have energy and clear my brain enough to accomplish anything I need to do in a day.
Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder- Light Boxes
Posted: October 31st, 2012, 4:57 pm
by minigrogs
Hi. Thanks Kanata. Do you know what brand yours is?
Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder- Light Boxes
Posted: November 2nd, 2012, 4:02 pm
by Kanata
I got mine from this [urlhttp://]site[/url]. Mine is the classic. It works well. I am sure you can get one easier and cheaper on Amazon or some such thing but this was what was available to me at the time from Canada. They also have a good link on that site to tests you can take to time when you best need it, etc. My doctor also has me on 2,000 mg of Vitamin D in the winter too.
Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder- Light Boxes
Posted: November 16th, 2012, 10:41 am
by Acadian Driftwood
I got some full-spectrum light bulbs on the recommendation of my therapist (these from amazon ... 01_s00_i00) which are supposed to elevate your mood by showing you more colors or something, I don't really get it, but they do produce very nice light and make my rooms feel more welcoming when I have to spend so much time inside.
Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder- Light Boxes
Posted: January 1st, 2013, 4:18 pm
by MagicalBalloon
Northern Lights works well for me, it's not a cure but sure does improve my outlook. Caution- I used them at night a big mistake.