Tried a couple different ones

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Tried a couple different ones

Post by Sabriel »

I used to be on meds up until shortly after I move to Arizona almost 8 years ago. I remember when I first went on meds I started with Zoloft and it worked for the most part for me. I was feeling more happiness and not so many lows, the only bad thing is that it only worked for a few months. Then I went to Paxil and that has been the best one by far. I actually had one night when I was just so calm and at peace that my friends actually asked me if I was stoned :lol: It was just so nice to have the constant discussions in my head calm down to where I could stay fully present. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't hear voices. It's more like my brain is trying to process many thoughts at once and it can make me super anxious. The Paxil lasted me longer but eventually stopped working so well. So then they tried me on Welbutrin. Totally didn't work for me, I turned into an absolute bitch! Plus, it didn't help me quit smoking which it's also supposed to help with. I took myself of that one and we went back to Paxil until I stopped. I have been doing pretty well without them but am getting to a point that I think it might be best for me to find a doctor to prescribe some meds for me again. Lots of anxiety and periodic depressive moods again.
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Re: Tried a couple different ones

Post by Cheldoll »

I would definitely see a doctor to talk about the possibility of getting back on meds. There are a lot of new drugs out there since you were last on them so hopefully you can find something that works as well as Paxil did. Keep us updated!

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