What does it feel like when/if Prozac starts working?

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Frootsy Collins
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What does it feel like when/if Prozac starts working?

Post by Frootsy Collins »

I've been on Prozac for a few months, and two weeks ago I was upped to 20 mg. I haven't noticed any effects yet aside from trouble sleeping and possibly increased anxiety (I'm anxious anyway, so I'm not sure if that's changed).
What are some experiences you guys have with medication? I don't know what the therapeutic effects feel like and it drives me crazy, making me think I'm not clinically depressed and that I've just been being a baby for the last 20 years.
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Re: What does it feel like when/if Prozac starts working?

Post by LeeLeeLee »

I took Prozac for several years. It worked right away with me - took away the anxiety to the point where I could function normally. It sounds as though it may not be the right medication for you. I would definitely talk to your doctor or therapist about it.
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Re: What does it feel like when/if Prozac starts working?

Post by joan149 »

I mentioned to my Mom how I remember that day making cards and the impact her response had on me. I was taken back when she said how she barely remembered the incident and how little weight she gave the question at the time and how she had no idea such a core belief of mine was formed that day. Since I am now a parent of 2 daughters it kind of scared me to think that what may end up being a game changing moment for one of them may not be the moments I think will be remembered or I want to be so important. That it could be some casual comment or conversation one day, where I am unaware, sarcastic or even annoyed that could leave a lasting impression on their lives and personality. I had to really work not to over think it and analyze how I may have fucked up my kids already. More than ever before it made me appreciate the phrase "I am doing the best I can." I have also resigned myself to the fact that I am fucking my kids up, but hopefully acknowledging it, trying not to will go a long way when they hit their 20's and resent me for screwing up their lives. I always joke about saving for psychology/therapy as being more important than saving for college/university for them
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