A cocktail for all seasons

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A cocktail for all seasons

Post by GoblinInventor »

So I'm currently on quite a few meds. I'll write them below but I really want to mention one thing first.

I have given a talk about my bipolar 2, always being sure to say that I am not a mental health expert, nor am I a bipolar 2 expert, but I am the worlds foremost expert in... my own case of bipolar 2.

It's not uncommon for people to ask about meds and whether they are 1) necessary or 2) restrictive on the mind. In the talks I gave I had various reasons and points about psychiatric medication and did my best to be perfectly honest. It was a class a friend of mine taught out at our college as a student led course. It focused mostly on depression but I was the bipolar 2 speaker.

I finally decided that my best answer to this was that I'm on meds now and am stable. I have been off meds, and I carry scars mental and physical to this day inflicted during the pre-hospitalization period.

Is my drug cocktail overkill?


This is where the question really is in my view.

Just my two cents... ok maybe 1 cent... go with your experience if people ask about meds (and you're in a position where that would benefit the person asking) speak to your own experience. It is the most powerful story because it is the lived history.

Now for the overkill...

Vitamin D
Pristiq (similar to effexor)


I think that's all of them...
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