Do I need a Wellbutrin Increase?
Posted: June 30th, 2014, 9:25 am
I'm on the musical chairs of meds. Started with effexor, hated it. Went to Celexa & vistaril, usless, made me nod off at work. Changed doctors and started Prozac.
2 weeks ago, we added wellbutrin. I know it takes up to 6 weeks to be effective, but what are the signs that I need an increase?
If I'm feeling -nothing- at 6 weeks.. does it mean I need an increase or does it mean that it's not effective.
Currently on 150mg in the morning and -that's it-. Seems really low in comparison to what most with MDD take.
2 weeks ago, we added wellbutrin. I know it takes up to 6 weeks to be effective, but what are the signs that I need an increase?
If I'm feeling -nothing- at 6 weeks.. does it mean I need an increase or does it mean that it's not effective.
Currently on 150mg in the morning and -that's it-. Seems really low in comparison to what most with MDD take.