I have Anti-Social Personality Disorder, ask me anything
Posted: December 25th, 2023, 10:59 pm
Am I an expert? No. Am I someone who actually has the condition the internet demonizes and mischaracterizes in often contradictory ways? Yes. As someone who actually has ASPD, and someone who is very tired of people using cliches from fiction to characterize the condition, I am here to offer my services as someone ready and willing to demystify this to at least some degree. I'll begin with some common misconceptions I want to see swiftly exit the public's perception.
Are people with ASPD sociopaths?
No mental health professional uses the term sociopath anymore and they haven't for a while. ASPD is what some people who used to be diagnosed as sociopaths are now classified as, but not all; most people who had that diagnosis are actually NPD, not ASPD. (Although some people have both.) Since sociopath is used as shorthand in media for 'villain', if you want to look like you understand fiction isn't reality, you should probably not use this outdated term. I hate to use Gen Z parlance here, but I will, because it fits: it's a bit cringe.
Are people with ASPD more likely to hurt me?
Yes, no, and not in the way you'd think. Yes, the lack of remorse means that I will do things other people will not. For instance, I got the authorities to remove me from my abusive home by downloading a dark net browser, pulling up porn they'd made of me, and showing it to my high school principal, because it was an effective way out of that situation. I do not feel bad for scarring him for life with those images. It probably hurt him mentally unless he's into kids. I have stolen from a lot of people in my life to fund attempts to get out of that hellhole. I once set my own garage on fire to try to get authorities' attention. What you will notice, however, is that in all of the above examples, there was a motive for something that impacted someone else negatively.
This is where the 'no' aspect comes in. Unless put in a situation where my brain tells me I need to start prioritizing survival, there's not really a reason to hurt you, therefore, neither I nor anybody else with ASPD are likely to do it. A lot of media portrayals of sociopaths involve sadism. The reality is that hurting someone in and of itself is not fun, useful, or something that serves a purpose. I'm not going to do something to hurt someone because the hurt in and of itself is the reward; I'm going to do it, if at all, because it is necessary to survive and I don't have that little voice in the back of my head telling me not to do it. I'm not going to feel bad about it afterwards, which I understand is offputting, but I'm also not going to do it unless I have actual reasons to do so. (This is why ASPD kids get in trouble a lot. Reasons that make sense to start shit as a kid rarely hold up when you're an adult. Did I really have to tell Mike from kindergarten that his mom was dead because he insulted my favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? No. Do I feel bad for it? No. Am I aware I should? Yes. Did you have any better impulse control at that age? Debatable. You learn what's actually valid grounds for resorting to hurting someone as you get older (and as people recognize Donatello is the best Ninja Turtle)).
The 'not in the way you think' component is something I really want to stress, because neurodivergent people, people with NPD and people with low empathy also do this regardless of diagnosis: sometimes we just do not know what to do in the face of something. I don't know how to comfort people. I don't know how to react to venting. A lot of people with ASPD default to problem-solving and struggle with the concept that someone just needs us to vent. The end result is asking something like, "Well, what do you want me to do about it?" or saying, "I can't help you." It hurts, it comes across as cruel, and it's not helpful, but we're not actively trying to hurt you. We're just not wired to do empathy, while also being very wired to identify problems and solve them in our own ways. A good example of this for me comes from middle school, when my friend Janine was getting bullied by two girls. As I lacked the social clout needed to tell either girl to stop, I offered up solutions, which made her frustrated, and asked why she was complaining to me, someone we all knew sucked at feelings, which made her storm off. Then I broke into one girl's locker, took a necklace out of it, put it in the other girl's locker, told a teacher I'd seen the second girl take something from the former, and solved the problem by turning the two on each other. This solution is typical of how my brain approaches interpersonal conflict and also internal conflict. It's also very bad at making someone else feel seen and heard - but you can take solace in the fact that I lay awake at night unable to make myself feel any better, since my own methodology isn't any kinder to myself personally.
Also, your mileage may vary on how much this is reassuring, but no one with ASPD I've met via the internet has any interest in murder or rape. One, there's a lot of things that'll hurt you way more effectively without the excessive cruelty and personal physical proximity of rape. Two, if you're dead, then we'd have to hide a murder, which is damn near impossible, and frankly, we value ourselves too much to ruin our lives for someone else. Even my abusers didn't warrant me doing something that would put me in prison, even when I was undiagnosed and in a very bad place mentally, because I needed to survive and I refused to accept an existence I did not deserve. (Also, them rotting in prison is a much slower, more prolonged kind of hell on Earth than death, which is quick and painless, and not something serial child abusers deserve.)
Wait, but part of the diagnostic criteria is that you think the rules don't apply to you. Doesn't that mean you're more likely to commit crime for the heck of it?
No, it means I'm more likely to commit a crime if I have an unmet need I can meet by committing that crime. The rules may apply to me, but since guilt isn't a factor, my cost-benefit analysis works like yours does minus the 'it's wrong' component. Stealing is wrong + I'm hungry + I can take something from another kid at school = not stealing for you, probably. I'm hungry + I can take something from another kid at school = I'm stealing. I'm aware the rules exist. I just prioritize myself before the rules under most circumstances and especially when I'm having a rough time.
Doesn't having a lack of remorse make you a bad person?
My foster parents and foster brother have remorse. They raped me for 10 years. I have no remorse and have raped no one and have no desire to. People don't want to hear this, but actually, your actions determine your goodness/lack thereof, not how much you feel/don't feel something. History is full of remorseful criminals who have done things that make my abusers look like nothing. While I internalized being called a monster by them and used it as a survival mechanism, a lack of remorse doesn't equal being bad anymore than having remorse makes you good. When presented with two options, someone who stabbed you and cried about it and someone who's never hurt you who doesn't cry about anything, you should be able to, even if you're not comfortable with the person in the second option, view them as not bad inherently. Let people earn your judgment before you give it.
Do people get ASPD or are they born with it?
Yes. Both options are a thing. How the percentage breakdown works, we don't know. Science is still working on that one. I, personally, was born with a lack of empathy and remorse and it was noticeable very early on. The usual talks you give kids about how they'd feel if someone did something to them just resulted in the blankest imaginable stares. I never cried about having done something dumb/bad/that I disliked the outcome of. It was pretty obvious something was off. I will say, though, I never got into fights with people and got violent until I was in an abusive household. Until then, I'd been unruly, but not combative.
Do people with ASPD lie more than other people?
Yes, but not how you think. We have to so you'll think we're normal. We learn to fake empathy, feign being upset, figure out when we would be feeling remorse if we were normal and make apologies pretty early on. A certain level of lying is necessary. If we don't lie, then you'll start to put together that something is wrong, and I have never met anyone with ASPD who hasn't had a loved one go no contact with them or hate them upon finding out about their diagnosis. Much as the media likes to depict us as cold, badass villains who don't need people, it actually hurts when people do that. It hurts us a lot. Our solution-first approach to life fails because we can't just stop having ASPD. So instead, yes, we are lying our asses off to you, frequently and with our best acting skills fully deployed. No, we're not lying to manipulate you or make you miserable, unless you've either hurt someone we care about or are presenting an active issue to us enjoying our lives fully. I won't tell you something untrue just to mess with you. I will absolutely do it to keep you from thinking I'm weird. I might do it if lying to you about Josh from Chem II liking you means you'll be in a good mood and thus not be a miserable roommate to live with for the next couple of weeks.
That's all the obnoxious garbage I can think of wanting to debunk at the moment as I sit here in a post-Christmas dinner coma, triple-tasking because ADHD is a harsh mistress. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer, not in the sense of 'I am an expert' or 'I speak for all ASPD people' but in the sense of 'ASPD people are not mythical murderers like Slender Man, we're right here and can be spoken to like anyone else on Earth'. I would love it if we could someday get to the point where I meet a single person with ASPD who didn't get rejected by a family member or long-term 5+ year friend for their diagnosis. Maybe this will help.
Are people with ASPD sociopaths?
No mental health professional uses the term sociopath anymore and they haven't for a while. ASPD is what some people who used to be diagnosed as sociopaths are now classified as, but not all; most people who had that diagnosis are actually NPD, not ASPD. (Although some people have both.) Since sociopath is used as shorthand in media for 'villain', if you want to look like you understand fiction isn't reality, you should probably not use this outdated term. I hate to use Gen Z parlance here, but I will, because it fits: it's a bit cringe.
Are people with ASPD more likely to hurt me?
Yes, no, and not in the way you'd think. Yes, the lack of remorse means that I will do things other people will not. For instance, I got the authorities to remove me from my abusive home by downloading a dark net browser, pulling up porn they'd made of me, and showing it to my high school principal, because it was an effective way out of that situation. I do not feel bad for scarring him for life with those images. It probably hurt him mentally unless he's into kids. I have stolen from a lot of people in my life to fund attempts to get out of that hellhole. I once set my own garage on fire to try to get authorities' attention. What you will notice, however, is that in all of the above examples, there was a motive for something that impacted someone else negatively.
This is where the 'no' aspect comes in. Unless put in a situation where my brain tells me I need to start prioritizing survival, there's not really a reason to hurt you, therefore, neither I nor anybody else with ASPD are likely to do it. A lot of media portrayals of sociopaths involve sadism. The reality is that hurting someone in and of itself is not fun, useful, or something that serves a purpose. I'm not going to do something to hurt someone because the hurt in and of itself is the reward; I'm going to do it, if at all, because it is necessary to survive and I don't have that little voice in the back of my head telling me not to do it. I'm not going to feel bad about it afterwards, which I understand is offputting, but I'm also not going to do it unless I have actual reasons to do so. (This is why ASPD kids get in trouble a lot. Reasons that make sense to start shit as a kid rarely hold up when you're an adult. Did I really have to tell Mike from kindergarten that his mom was dead because he insulted my favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? No. Do I feel bad for it? No. Am I aware I should? Yes. Did you have any better impulse control at that age? Debatable. You learn what's actually valid grounds for resorting to hurting someone as you get older (and as people recognize Donatello is the best Ninja Turtle)).
The 'not in the way you think' component is something I really want to stress, because neurodivergent people, people with NPD and people with low empathy also do this regardless of diagnosis: sometimes we just do not know what to do in the face of something. I don't know how to comfort people. I don't know how to react to venting. A lot of people with ASPD default to problem-solving and struggle with the concept that someone just needs us to vent. The end result is asking something like, "Well, what do you want me to do about it?" or saying, "I can't help you." It hurts, it comes across as cruel, and it's not helpful, but we're not actively trying to hurt you. We're just not wired to do empathy, while also being very wired to identify problems and solve them in our own ways. A good example of this for me comes from middle school, when my friend Janine was getting bullied by two girls. As I lacked the social clout needed to tell either girl to stop, I offered up solutions, which made her frustrated, and asked why she was complaining to me, someone we all knew sucked at feelings, which made her storm off. Then I broke into one girl's locker, took a necklace out of it, put it in the other girl's locker, told a teacher I'd seen the second girl take something from the former, and solved the problem by turning the two on each other. This solution is typical of how my brain approaches interpersonal conflict and also internal conflict. It's also very bad at making someone else feel seen and heard - but you can take solace in the fact that I lay awake at night unable to make myself feel any better, since my own methodology isn't any kinder to myself personally.
Also, your mileage may vary on how much this is reassuring, but no one with ASPD I've met via the internet has any interest in murder or rape. One, there's a lot of things that'll hurt you way more effectively without the excessive cruelty and personal physical proximity of rape. Two, if you're dead, then we'd have to hide a murder, which is damn near impossible, and frankly, we value ourselves too much to ruin our lives for someone else. Even my abusers didn't warrant me doing something that would put me in prison, even when I was undiagnosed and in a very bad place mentally, because I needed to survive and I refused to accept an existence I did not deserve. (Also, them rotting in prison is a much slower, more prolonged kind of hell on Earth than death, which is quick and painless, and not something serial child abusers deserve.)
Wait, but part of the diagnostic criteria is that you think the rules don't apply to you. Doesn't that mean you're more likely to commit crime for the heck of it?
No, it means I'm more likely to commit a crime if I have an unmet need I can meet by committing that crime. The rules may apply to me, but since guilt isn't a factor, my cost-benefit analysis works like yours does minus the 'it's wrong' component. Stealing is wrong + I'm hungry + I can take something from another kid at school = not stealing for you, probably. I'm hungry + I can take something from another kid at school = I'm stealing. I'm aware the rules exist. I just prioritize myself before the rules under most circumstances and especially when I'm having a rough time.
Doesn't having a lack of remorse make you a bad person?
My foster parents and foster brother have remorse. They raped me for 10 years. I have no remorse and have raped no one and have no desire to. People don't want to hear this, but actually, your actions determine your goodness/lack thereof, not how much you feel/don't feel something. History is full of remorseful criminals who have done things that make my abusers look like nothing. While I internalized being called a monster by them and used it as a survival mechanism, a lack of remorse doesn't equal being bad anymore than having remorse makes you good. When presented with two options, someone who stabbed you and cried about it and someone who's never hurt you who doesn't cry about anything, you should be able to, even if you're not comfortable with the person in the second option, view them as not bad inherently. Let people earn your judgment before you give it.
Do people get ASPD or are they born with it?
Yes. Both options are a thing. How the percentage breakdown works, we don't know. Science is still working on that one. I, personally, was born with a lack of empathy and remorse and it was noticeable very early on. The usual talks you give kids about how they'd feel if someone did something to them just resulted in the blankest imaginable stares. I never cried about having done something dumb/bad/that I disliked the outcome of. It was pretty obvious something was off. I will say, though, I never got into fights with people and got violent until I was in an abusive household. Until then, I'd been unruly, but not combative.
Do people with ASPD lie more than other people?
Yes, but not how you think. We have to so you'll think we're normal. We learn to fake empathy, feign being upset, figure out when we would be feeling remorse if we were normal and make apologies pretty early on. A certain level of lying is necessary. If we don't lie, then you'll start to put together that something is wrong, and I have never met anyone with ASPD who hasn't had a loved one go no contact with them or hate them upon finding out about their diagnosis. Much as the media likes to depict us as cold, badass villains who don't need people, it actually hurts when people do that. It hurts us a lot. Our solution-first approach to life fails because we can't just stop having ASPD. So instead, yes, we are lying our asses off to you, frequently and with our best acting skills fully deployed. No, we're not lying to manipulate you or make you miserable, unless you've either hurt someone we care about or are presenting an active issue to us enjoying our lives fully. I won't tell you something untrue just to mess with you. I will absolutely do it to keep you from thinking I'm weird. I might do it if lying to you about Josh from Chem II liking you means you'll be in a good mood and thus not be a miserable roommate to live with for the next couple of weeks.
That's all the obnoxious garbage I can think of wanting to debunk at the moment as I sit here in a post-Christmas dinner coma, triple-tasking because ADHD is a harsh mistress. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer, not in the sense of 'I am an expert' or 'I speak for all ASPD people' but in the sense of 'ASPD people are not mythical murderers like Slender Man, we're right here and can be spoken to like anyone else on Earth'. I would love it if we could someday get to the point where I meet a single person with ASPD who didn't get rejected by a family member or long-term 5+ year friend for their diagnosis. Maybe this will help.