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7.5 years sober. There's hope.

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 7:41 pm
by oak
On June 16, 2008 I took a drink from a 20 oz beer, looked at the can for a moment, realized I was never going to drink again, and set it down.

Since it happened for me, it can happen for you. Or your loved one. Your friend, your coworker.

I am remarkable only my unremarkability. If any of you saw me IRL you would not be overwhelmed. I am an ordinary man. If I can find a life outside of alcohol, someone else can, too. There is nothing particularly special about me, but something special happened to me.

There is hope. There is absolutely hope.

I can look any person- anyone- right in the eye, any day of the week, and know, not just believe or think, but know that there is hope. I am ready to swear any oath in any court and face any consequences in my certainty of hope. I would stake everything I am on hope, without terms or conditions.

That is definite. Unequivocal. As sure as I know the sun will rise tomorrow I know there is hope.

There is absolutely hope. Your friend could get sober and it could happen today.

Re: 7.5 years sober. There's hope.

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 4:33 pm
by manuel_moe_g
You are remarkable, oak. The proof is on all your postings on this board. Thanks for the honor of knowing what a good and decent man you are.