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Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: September 29th, 2013, 5:45 pm
by running
Hey All,

I am going into Detox/Rehab tomorrow at 3:pm. I am scared to death. My drug of choice is alcohol because I wont buy anything illegal. It started with opiates but when I couldnt get any more I went to alcohol I am drinking till I black out each night. I dont know what to expect when I get in the program any advice or expectations I need to know about?


Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: September 29th, 2013, 6:09 pm
by oak
Good for you.

I am straightedge, and stopped drinking about five years ago.

I cant offer any advice about rehab, but I can assure you the sober life is rich and fun.

It is totally worth it. Keep us posted!

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: September 29th, 2013, 9:37 pm
by running
Thanks Oak will do.

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: February 20th, 2014, 7:45 pm
by running
Finished rehab quite some time ago. I learned alot about myself and made some great fiends . I still drink although not as much . I found 12 step to be tedious an found going to meetings to be a trigger initself. People talking about drinking made me anxious to drink i could actually taste the alcohol in my mouth while listning. I am working slowly to sobriety. Dont know if i will ever make it but i am better. And worki g evedy day to be better.

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 7:22 pm
by oak
I am glad you survived.

I warn you with all the sincerity i can muster: be extremely careful if you choose to continue to drink. You are playing with fire.

You made it through detox and rehab: you are one of the lucky ones. Alot of people dont make it that far. Step back from the abyss.

If you dont like aa, thats fine. While aa works, it is nt for everyone. I am sober five years plus without it.

You can kid me, your family, your boss, the people at aa. But the person you cant afford to kid, not anymore, is yourself.

You are on a dangerous path.

If reading this makes you mad, good. Get mad. Get mad at me. Get mad above all at yourself. Growing up you had dreams and aspirations, right? Well, it is not too late for you.

Remember the words of tracy chapman: we gotta make a decision: leave tonight or live and die this way.

Pursue wisdom. Your life, your future depends on it.

Lastly, nothing i have written here is worth drinking over.

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: February 25th, 2014, 2:40 pm
by running
I have no doubts drinking still after rehab is a path to destruction. the problem is quitting, I love my wife and children but i am an alcoholic that desires the bottle regardless. I have tried the meetings and I have tried therapy. So far I have tried 4 therapists that obviously do not understand addiction, I need someone who understands the mindless desire. The I dont want to but i did anyhow addiction. where are they?

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: February 27th, 2014, 4:05 pm
by oak
I hope you stop drinking. I encourage you to detox medically.

Is there anything else to say about your situation?

Between rehab, recovery meetings, and therapy you've probably been talked to every which way.

I suppose me piling more words on you won't make a difference.

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: March 15th, 2014, 1:55 pm
by running
Hello Oak and any lurkers,

I have cut it out completley. I had a weekend of blackout and woke up monday morning a couple of weeks ago in such a depressed state that i didnt think i would make it through the day let alone the next few ours. I wanted to be dead. I realized i could not live like this anymore. Vowed then that i wouldnt touch any more alcohol again ever. Its been 2 dry weeks with ups anddowns in depression. I dont have any cravings though. I just keep reminding my self of howbad it was and it makes me hate the alcohol. I have also started seeing a new psycologist who is great. My psyciatrist up some of my meds. Im gonna make it. I HAVE NO CHOICE other than making this work or im gonna die. So here'S to the new life. Thanks for your support and concern i will update you. Paul if you fead this love ya bro.

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: March 15th, 2014, 5:28 pm
by oak
I am glad to hear that.

To be blunt, there wasn't much road left for you, going down the alcohol way. The only thing alcohol has for you is death.

While alcoholism is boring in its monotony, the sober life is rich and varied: there is the 12-step sober life, the straightedge principled lifestyle (which I happily enjoy), and just the plain old abstaining-because-I-have-other-things-to-do-with-my-life life. See the common thread?: Life.

Don't drink anymore. Medically detox if you need to.

Then on move on toward your future. It is better, so much better, on the other side.

Re: Going into Detox/rehab

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 8:58 pm
by Stan
right now, i'm addicted to alcohol. no doubt about it.