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Getting help and having a job

Posted: March 8th, 2013, 2:18 am
by neufena
I'm in the UK and have been (again) referred to the local Mental Health Authority by my Doctor. I've been through various counselling (mostly CBT based) before) and if I understand correctly this time I'm being referred for more psychiatric based treatment, including a full assessment that should (finally) tell me what's really wrong with me.

My big worry is that they give me appointments during working hours. Before I took this full time job I was freelance (and not earning enough!) but that gave me the freedom to go to appointment whenever I wanted. I had to give up my last counselling because I started a full time job in a different city (1 hour commute each way).

I've been here for less than 6 months now so still in that place where I can't ask for time off etc for fear of getting fired. I'm hoping I can convince my boss to let me work from home on my appointment days. I didn't mention my mental health issues when I interviewed or accepted the job (or I suspect I wouldn’t have got it) so I feel like I deceived them and am now taking advantage.

I know in the UK we're lucky to even have an NHS but how do people cope with fitting treatment around a job while? Any advice would be great.

Re: Getting help and having a job

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 7:25 am
by Jitters
Try and see what their office hours are like. Maybe you can find a way to get an appointment after work? I would not feel guilty for seeking help. If you were going to a medical appointment for your broken leg you wouldn't feel guilty. It is something that needs fixing just like a physical illness. If that doesn't work I'm sure your boss would understand. If you are worried about the stigma just say it's a doctor's appointment. You do not need to tell them what it is for. Try working with your boss and you might be surprised what they'll accommadate.

Re: Getting help and having a job

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 2:58 pm
by neufena

Since then I've changed jobs and now work very close to home in a much more flexible environment so if I'm ever at the top of the waiting list (coming up for 2 years and counting) I might have more chance of being treated.