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Post by pepsi107 »

I feel stuck. My family is insane and hates each other. They're all about drama, no love, no peace. I want to move but I need a full-time job. The process of finding one stresses me out so bad. I'm so insecure that after a while, I just want to give up. It's harrowing. I love the job I have now (aside from a few coworkers) but it doesn't pay enough. I work at a pet store with adorable animals :D. I love animals and I hope to go to school to be a vet tech in the next couple years.

I feel somewhat hopeful. After my case was closed at my last counselor's office for the lack of health insurance, I wasn't doing very well. I think therapy helps me more than the medication. I have an appt next Friday to go back to the office, but my counselor went on maternity leave, so I won't see her this time. I think that's ok, she wasn't the best fit for me. Still, I'm afraid the new counselor and me won't mesh together. This will be my 4th counselor.

I'm haven't not depressed lately.Thankfully, I'm usually feeling slightly ok. My bad moods are angry, agitated, and worrying. But it doesn't help that I'm sick and I'm going through med withdrawal AGAIN.
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Re: Stuck

Post by ether667 »

I too remember being in that boat, (ie crazy parents, nice job that doesn't pay enough to leave, no help) although it wasn't until recently that I started taking meds. Which ones are you taking? Prozac has been okay for me, though I know if I'm off them for a few days it becomes too much. If you're studying to be a vet tech, that's only a good thing! Within due time you'll make your way out of the house. I only went for one semester of community college and now I'm working in the health insurance industry.

The irony though is that they give their employees the worst health plans ever...but that's another story :lol:
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