I'm not quite sure

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I'm not quite sure

Post by Claddagh »

I've been off of Prozac & Welbutrin for 5 weeks today. I've been doing OK. it's a whole new experience to feel feelings again after 5 years of taking antidepressants. Today has been tough for some reason but I can't put my finger on it. The anxiety is definitely there. I'm so tired. I have homework to do & baby books to make but I just want to sleep. I have been crying a lot lately which is kind of cool. I haven't done that in years. My heart just feels so full. I don't know if that's good or bad. I want to hug everyone I know. I want to change the world. Is this the mania people talk about or does the unmedicated me actually care about people? I feel like there's not enough air. Like I'm suffocating. Like I can't get enough of something. Except I don't know what that something is. It feels like how I felt when I quit smoking 5 years ago. That constant need for a cigarette. That feeling that if I don't have one I will die. I just don't know. Hopefully tomorrow I feel better.
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Re: I'm not quite sure

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Take care, Claddagh, all the best to you in your time of transition. We here are cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow!
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Re: I'm not quite sure

Post by brave-girl-living »

I think your awareness and descriptions of your feelings are really well written and articulated, I hope things so smoothly for you during this shift!
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