brain dump from my notes 00

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brain dump from my notes 00

Post by manuel_moe_g »

from my "Being More Productive" mind-mapping notes

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Being More Productive 00
	First Strategy
		There is what I want to do, and what I am going to do
		What I typically what to do is a coping mechanism that works for me in the short run and lets me down in the long run if I over-use it
		When I want to do the harder thing, be loving to myself in this manner:
			Cheerlead myself
			use the "meaning machine" to imagine a great meaning
			use my physiology to assume an active, confident, happy pose
			be specific about the reward that will punctuate the action, some kind of meaningful reward
			also make sure the pace and attitude is loving and sustainable
	Notes about "cheerleading myself"
		exactly the authentic way I would speak to Annie in time of need
		compassionate, non-judgemental, accepting, non-controlling
		comforting & validating
		examine thought, and reframe in positive way
	Second Strategy
		validating the situation
		realize that I can be on the other side of doing the task
			imagine myself on the other side of a hill, where the hill represents the task
		I choose to do the procrastination, procrastination is not part of me
		intention, choice, habit
			all part of being: good, strong, and effective
			being bad, weak, and ineffectual never enters into it
			you have positive intentions
			you can make positive choice (or not) but never a negative statement about the self
			you can have positive habits (or not) but never a negative statement about the self
		what changes first is the thought
		do irreversible part of the most dreaded task
		short term pain, for long term gain
		choice is the key
			choice is the key to the vantage point
	going to make lists of tasks to do
	Other notions
		Also lack of sound techniques explains why didn’t do tasks before
		Come to grips with catastrophic thinking, head it off at the pass
		Action in face of seeming futility
from my "cheerleader" mind-mapping notes:

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Cheerleader 00
	Session 01
		I'll dive in
		Anything better than nothing
		Cheerleader next to me
		water in face
		even if futile
		practice my valuable skill
		break into pieces
			actually healthiest, balanced way to do major tasks
		do little bit now, and then rest of the of the task
		take completion completely off the table, because anxiety
		all or nothing thinking doesn't help me now
		enhance cheerleader to be by my side
		have cheerleader pipe up for _every_ negative thought, feeling emotion
	Session 02
		cheerleader - compassionate, invested, authentic voice
			like I would speak to Annie
		my advocate, speaks up for me against the critical thought
		also use cheerleader voice with every transition
		worst case scenario
		practice to make stronger and make effortless to use
		use paper for the very toughest
			breathing as foundation for cheerleader
			breathing & cheerleader
			from navel, like blowing up a balloon inside me on inhale
			exhale - Darth Vader sound
			Ujjayi breath
				wikipedia --
				Ujjayi Breathing | Yoga with Adriene --
				A Beginner’s Guide to Ujjayi Breath --
~~~~~~ -- Obsequious Thumbtack Headdress
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