YOU ARE NOT ALONE - A companion online community discussion board for The Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast with Paul Gilmartin
Postings on this site are NOT by mental health professionals, rather the opinions & experiences of a community of regular people. If you feel like you are going to hurt yourself or others PLEASE call Suicide Prevention at 1-800-273-8255
Oddly enough, the general mood in the European news sites I follow is now "oh well the crazy orange man won, but those tariffs he's been talking about will certainly be negotiable and the economy over there seems to be looking up as a whole so let's roll with it". Of course there's very little said about the poor and the vulnerable. And regarding immigrants we have our own flavor of "kick-them-out" over here: Syria is still in turmoil but since the old regime fell a couple of days ago, there's already talk from several governments about sending people back there asap.
"Most people are other people" — Oscar Wilde "Those who dream of the possible will suffer the greatest disillusion" — Fernando Pessoa
Just seen it and shocked is an understatement. What on earth are people on. Who would even suggest such a person. He’s not even worthy of a name let alone a title like that. Or any title for that matter.