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Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: July 29th, 2021, 5:13 am
by duck1
Things are really really bad.

Therapist said to have conversation with daughter. Had conversation and she totally lost it, said horrible things.

Therapist spoke with daughter (10 years old)

Therapist said we now dyadic counselling. Me and daughter- I guess it is because the relationship is screwed up,

Dyadic therapy is just for me - not husband because relationship with him is ok ( I guess)

I feel like a complete failure.

Now things are really tense between daughter and me. Without any resemeblence to normalcy.

I am dreadful about meeting with counselor next week - husband and me - she will explain about dyadic therapy.

Really don't know what do say at this stage.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: July 29th, 2021, 6:41 am
by duck1
Contacted therapist and told her that i have lots of anxiety about dyadic treatment.

Said it's just an idea and we won't start it because i don't feel good about it.

Told her I am trying to relax and read magazine, said it's good idea.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: July 29th, 2021, 8:07 am
by manuel_moe_g
We are supporting you, Duck1! I feel so sorry you are going through this. Please take care, keep lines of communication open.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: July 29th, 2021, 8:35 am
by troebia
Wishing you well, Duck1.

The following is not advice, just something that happened to me and maybe relatable: I was in couples' therapy a few years ago and found it really hard to trust the counsellor. At first it was as if my partner and the counsellor were on a higher floor together looking down at me in a cage. I spoke to her alone about it and I think it got better, and after a couple of sessions I gradually got less defensive. I mean, there was no point in just asking for reassurance, it had to sink in slowly that there was no threat. Later on I was glad to have continued the sessions.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: July 29th, 2021, 11:17 am
by oak
A perspective to consider:

I am all for pulling back from specific interventions in counseling/therapy if the thought of it gets too intense.

I wholly support staying within therapy/counseling, but backing away (either temporarily or permanently) any intervention that is causing anguish.

I also trust the counselee to know what "too much anguish" is; always listen to your gut.

Also, and this is a bit of different matter, but related: I've learned to ditch any counselor, the sooner the better, when my gut instructs me to.

Good luck, Duck1. Hang in there.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: August 9th, 2021, 12:52 pm
by duck1
Had parent's counselling today.

Things are difficult, because the things our counselor asks of us seem impossible.

I made a decision not to feel bad about myself I mean I am trying the best that I can. Sometimes I steer to much to one direction when I try to follow guidance but I am trying.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: August 9th, 2021, 1:31 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Please take care, Duck1, i wish it wasn't true, it gets much worse before it gets better, that is how you know it is important work, please don't be hard on yourself, you don't deserve that

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: September 3rd, 2021, 5:45 am
by duck1
Things are better with treatment becuase I put a lot into it (was upfront with councellor about my anger, but then opened up and listened to her advice).

weekends are tricky for me.... Daugher has WAY too much screen time and it is hard to offer alternatives. Hard for me to just enjoy myself. I always have a feeling that there is so much to do.

I feel much more at flow when I work, espically from home.

I think I have been dreading the weekends for years now....

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: October 28th, 2021, 9:02 am
by duck1
I'm grateful I have this floor to express myself.

I found a technique. So in my nature I tend to catastrophize. I invent scenarios about people. for example - "The therapist in the next meeting will say horrible things to me".

"my boss is treating me horribly and I'm letting her do it. It will end in in an outbreak."

So i say to myself - whatever you think is not true, or not entirely true. The reality is softer than you think. Things are temporary and you will build a way around it.

Re: Like the whole world is against me.

Posted: October 28th, 2021, 1:51 pm
by manuel_moe_g
This is a great technique, Duck1. Good to hear from you.