Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

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Re: Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

Post by snoringdog »

Very nice, Troebia!
It looks like a lonely creature of the city
I can’t get over how beautiful it is, forlorn
Maybe adding a couple of birds would help...? :)
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Re: Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

Post by Henrryon09 »

Have you tried cannabis as a medication?
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Re: Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

Post by troebia »

Henrryon09 wrote: December 11th, 2024, 1:45 am Have you tried cannabis as a medication?
I would definitely try the edible type, and it seems that there are some prescription drugs like Marinol and Syndros on the market here that contain THC (the psychoactive component). It's given me an idea and I'll speak to my GP about it. I probably could get hashish resin or dried cannabis buds somehow even though it's not "legal" yet in Spain, but it seems like a hassle to then figure out the dosage by ingestion (I don't like to smoke).

Has anyone here tried cannabis therapeutically, for anxiety? Did it work?
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Re: Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

Post by Mental Fairy »

I personally smoked cannabis when i was in my early 20's and really liked it. However, i have an addictive personality and worry going down that road again.
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Re: Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

Post by snoringdog »

Has anyone here tried cannabis therapeutically, for anxiety? Did it work?
So, I had a bit of a meltdown last summer at a family gathering.
There was just too much stimulation from the ongoing chatter, from the excited Olympics coverage-and-commercials pouring from the television, from a well-meaning and friendly but loud and somewhat overbearing in-law sitting next to me.... (I didn't have earplugs to dampen anything).

After one too many sonic shocks (painful due to my hyper acusis) and furtive attempts to cover my ears to lessen the volume, I got "called out" and asked what was wrong.

A bit tearfully and with shame, I explained my trouble.

My brother-in-law immediately offered my a "gummy" to see if it would help, and it did.
(I've had them before, so was familiar with the effects).

There are two strains - Sativa and Indica and I prefer the Indica which is more relaxing.
Sativa can lead to jitters and increased anxiety for me.

There are mixtures of the two as well that can give you a feeling of relaxed-but-alert...
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Re: Autism spectrum, depression, ADHD

Post by Mental Fairy »

I really felt your post SD. Thank you for sharing that event.
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