Manny, I replied yesterday but it got lost while posting
Basically I wanted to express my sympathy for you. Imo you must, repeat must, get your partner to couples therapy with you. She must hear a third party's opinion. If she won't listen to a counsellor, then staying with her is like kicking a dead horse.
Though when a partner is faced with an ultimatum that can't be ignored, cried or shouted away, something might finally click inside them. It happened to my wife years ago, although I'm still sometimes debating inwardly if it was for the best because things should be better than "just bearable". Anyway, she knows about the hard limit and respects the signs whenever she approaches it. It sounds ugly and maybe it is, like any pragmatic peace treaty.
I believe that one's innermost goals should be independent of the partner and all current limiting conditions. A "good" prisoner dreams of release in spite of the present hardships, and they plan for a life outside in freedom.