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Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 12:58 am
by Mental Fairy
Does the CPAP machine tell you your breathing pattern? Does it keep a memory you can download like a heart machine?

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 10:10 am
by oak
Friends! An update.

Mediterranean diet


The technician was supposed to come today, but they got COVID, so we rescheduled for a month from now.


I continue to struggle to come up with a plan to effect my PT's directions regarding my sprained ankle, so I can get back to Zumba and walking. In the meantime, I'm continuing with secondary interests including kettlebell and yoga.

Mediterranean diet

While the above are minor disappoints, though certainly still disappointments, then I'm taking the opportunity this long weekend to effect two new recipes: piselli in umido (braised peas in tomato sauce) and aquacotta (an ancient broth). I'll report how each go. I continue to adore cherry tomatoes from my air fryer: you know me and umami.

I'm looking forward to my second appointment with my nutritionist early next week.

The long-neglected other two-thirds of this thread

GERD: I've had it about once a month this year. I really hate GERD.

Obesity: My weight is inching down. I have a long way to go.

Last but not least

Manuel Moe, I hope your CPAP is going well. Keep us posted.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: July 15th, 2022, 10:24 pm
by Mental Fairy
Oak do you eat salmon?

Miso x 2 tablespoons.
1/2 tablespoon of brown sugar
X2 teaspoon of sesame oil
And a little hot water and stir to paste.

Brush over salmon and bake in oven for 10min or until cooked through.

Unbelievable taste and amazing with Cous cous or rice

That’s from my husband for you.

Do you do weekly meal plans?

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: July 18th, 2022, 10:34 am
by oak

I had my second appointment with my dietician today.

She was very pleased with my progress, applauding me several times, and all smiles.

While I freely admit I'm still 50% standard American diet, I am increasingly enjoying the fruit and roasted vegetables common in the Mediterranean diet. To say nothing of my newly beloved olive oil. And cherries are in season. Yum.

She also encouraged my (1) 5K completions and (2) 2023 duathlon considerations. We'll discuss more in future sessions about the importance of nutrition in fitness.
Mental Fairy wrote: July 15th, 2022, 10:24 pm Do you do weekly meal plans?
MentalFairy, I owe you a thanks: When I read the line above, I was all open-mouthed. Like "Oooohhhh yeah..."

Recognizing the wisdom of your suggestion, I made meal planning the main topic of the session with my dietician today. Starting with meal planning, we naturally transitioned to meal prep and portioning. I would not have thought of meal planning, had you not mentioned it.

Also, while I like salmon and tilapia okay, I can't quite cook them right at home.

Moved by your miso suggestion, I got a pound of the paste (shiro) yesterday and was going to make a miso soup with some beautiful tofu I have, but the bee emergency squashed that plan for Sunday. I'll make it soon. So much umami!

Thank you for your advice and encouragement, Mental Fairy. Your husband sounds like a respectable brother. Enjoy some roasted tomatoes and other umami delights to celebrate your helping me make changes, actual changes.

Edit to add: the aquacotta turned out very well!

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: July 18th, 2022, 4:32 pm
by oak
I took some more action today, however modest, and will post about it soon.

In the meantime, I found my spirit animal:

Particularly the brother who “falls off” the treadmill, adorably so. I've been there, no joke, IRL: laying forlornly on the yoga floor, only able to wonder how I got there, so out of shape (but still trying!).

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: August 14th, 2022, 3:13 pm
by oak
Hi friends.

While I'm scheduled to get a CPAP this time next month, and my fitness continues to go well, that leaves nutrition.

1. I continue to do not-great with meal prep. Something is going on with that, subconsciously: I'm getting some sort of secondary gain, and you know how dangerous I've found secondary gain to be.

2. I am embarrassed to say this, so here goes:

When I portion fruit (example: a handful of grapes) into sandwich bags, I am much more likely to eat them.

This astonished me!

It is funny that such a small action can have such big outcomes.

I'll post at the end of the week with an update. Thanks for listening!

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: August 14th, 2022, 4:11 pm
by Mental Fairy
That’s interesting. I know if I cut and apple into slices I will eat it. Yet if I was handed one whole one I wouldn’t!!

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: August 15th, 2022, 12:29 pm
by oak
Mental Fairy wrote: August 14th, 2022, 4:11 pm That’s interesting. I know if I cut and apple into slices I will eat it. Yet if I was handed one whole one I wouldn’t!!
Word, Mental Fairy. Something that takes thirty seconds that can change my life is so difficult to do. SMH.

Friends, good news!

For the first time, I've meal prepped:

a. I portioned grapes and cherries.

b. I made and am going to portion (1) turkey/tomato soup and (2) a chicken soup. Both turned out well.

While these are modest goals to have achieved, I am proud to have accomplished them.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: August 15th, 2022, 12:42 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Proud to call you a friend and a brother. Good stuff.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: August 15th, 2022, 5:11 pm
by Mental Fairy
Clapping with glee at my desk right now, i will open the window so you can hear it!! So pleased.

Oak, look back a year ago. See how far you have come.