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Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 13th, 2022, 5:40 pm
by Mental Fairy
I am beyond excited for you Oak. You are making great ground. Can i ask, if this platform didn't exist what would you have done? Whom would you have turned too? I am interested in this question for everyone really as i asked myself the same question and came up with....sunk lower, faster and would have maybe not even gone to therapy.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 13th, 2022, 6:36 pm
by oak
Mental Fairy wrote: September 13th, 2022, 5:40 pm Can i ask, if this platform didn't exist what would you have done? Whom would you have turned too? I am interested in this question for everyone really as i asked myself the same question and came up with....sunk lower, faster and would have maybe not even gone to therapy.
An excellent question, Mental Fairy.

Question 2: I would have eventually ran out of time, due to a lack of encouragement and advice that was so generously shared with me in this forum, and ended up disabled or died or indifferent or hopeless or all of the above.

Two examples: alcoholism and sleep apnea.

Being sluggish from the effects of either, I might have passed the tipping point where recovery/cure/mitigation would be possible. I might not have had the wherewithal or fight to effect my answer to your first question…

Question 1: Like my moral hero Goldilocks, eventually I'll find something that works. For sleep apnea it was finding resources of information and treatment studies via NIH PubMed and NIH, respectively. For sobriety it was Earl Nightengale recordings, and Joel Osteen podcasts (any port in a storm!).

Twenty years ago I learned how to read peer-reviewed research studies in graduate school, and "the dating books" taught me how to open my mouth and say something when advocating for myself.

I've also risked looking or seeming "foolish"; example: in the last ten days, in this forum, I've posted about the importance of peppers and Pears soap, neither of which seem to have much to do with mental health. But it is easier to manage my anxiety when I have a full stomach and am clean.

Just like Goldilocks, let's try something.

Tomorrow's sobriety or next week's egg sandwich or next month's clean clothes are not promised.

If we have those wonderful gifts today, let's try something. Let's do it today, now even.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 14th, 2022, 4:15 pm
by Mental Fairy
well put Oak.

I really am so glad i found you all here, even on down days i feel a quilt of comfort over my brain that reminds me you all have the same feelings. I look at people around me and wonder if they do, do they just hide it better than me, do they have help or in recovery, or have they found the amazing magic treatment were they live in bliss and happiness. Bastards if they have!

Proud of you Oak.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 16th, 2022, 3:53 pm
by Mental Fairy
How is the sleeping going Oak?

Weekend is upon you so keep vigilant of the mind playing negative tricks. Get out and about if you can. Try a new fruit or veg maybe?

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 16th, 2022, 5:56 pm
by oak
Mental Fairy wrote: September 16th, 2022, 3:53 pm Get out and about if you can. Try a new fruit or veg maybe?
Yes and yes, Mental Fairy:

Saturday plan

After my counseling session, I'm going to the local upscale grocery store for a 45-minute, one-on-one session with a "certified wellness consultant". Having sent him a brief message earlier this week, he is down with the Mediterranean diet.

I plan to ask him for recommendations for several candidates: acquacotta, cholent, and/or mirepoix.

Sunday plan

I dug my exercise ball out of the closet, and found the core exercise sheets my physical therapist gave me.

So I have a plan to move a little this weekend.


I got my vaccinations today, so I'm planning on taking it easy these next 4-5 days. I am feeling sore and crabby, but I am somehow at the same time super stoked to (1) meet the wellness advisor Saturday and (2) receive my CPAP (first thing Monday).

I definitely have plans to shower, shave, and stay in front of HALT.

Weekends can get real.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 16th, 2022, 8:52 pm
by Mental Fairy
Weekends can absolutely get real.

Some are confronting and other fly by faster than a blue arse fly on a long drop door.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 17th, 2022, 12:09 pm
by rivergirl
Hi Oak,

I think it's wise to give your body a break if you're still recovering from the vaccines, but glad you have a plan to avoid HALT over the weekend, at least as much as is possible.

Please keep us posted.


Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 5:27 am
by oak
Thank you, Mental Fairy and RiverGirl! Your encouragement helped me. :)

1. A big week: three actions, and one metric.

2. Thoughts on a new life.

1. A big week: three actions, and one metric.

Friends, this is a big week for me! I've survived half of the four big events, with the other two Thursday morning.

a. First action: Saturday morning I met with the certified wellness consultant at the local upscale grocery store. He is a great guy, and we explicitly stayed on evidence-based (read: NIH) options, of which there are many. I'll post more about my visit with him soon.

b. Second action: This morning (Monday) the technician delivered, set up, and explained the operation of my CPAP machine. A big deal, my friends.

c. Third action: First thing Thursday morning I meet with my kettlebell instructor for a one-on-one session to teach me the motion (called a "jerk") for which I will prepare for next year's competition. (This is also a big deal: if I want to participate in the Sept 2023 competition I'll need/want to turn around the following situations in the coming months: definitely fitness and finances, and secondarily nutrition and flexibility.)

d. Fourth action: Later Thursday I get my annual biometric screening through work. We'll see, when the results come back in a few weeks, exactly where I stand.

2. Thoughts on a new life.

When I got sleep apnea, 2019-2020, I was in several compounding negative situations. I was around people more focused on... I don't know what, but I do know I ended up in a very dangerous place: sleep apnea.

Now, I’m surrounded by people focused on taking actions today that will bring us a better tomorrow: (1) my excellent new sleep doctor (2) new dietician (3) my friends in this forum (4) new experts on nutrition and fitness.

There are new ideas: air fryers, new treatments, new research, new people, new ideas.

And yet so many of these new ideas are fresh looks at evergreen principles: (1) we can teach an old exercise, kettlebell, in new ways (2) we can prepare ancient foods (peppers) in new ways (air fryers). I've demonstrated age-old qualities such as perseverance, dedication, openness, and bravery by immediately trying any idea that looks promising.

I changed, and the quality of people around me changed.

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 12:45 pm
by Mental Fairy
Surround yourself with the people you wish to carry through in life. You become the people your closest to in a way.
If you surround ourselves with negative people that’s what we will put out in many ways.

Had an email from our neighbour yesterday whom I have distanced myself from due to her negative ways. Her email was mostly negative and hurtful towards her partner and I couldn’t tolerate it. I deleted and carried on. Her main complaint was how negative he is in now wanting to do things she does, if you meet her you too would understand why he doesn’t want to go out. Nothing is ever ok, food, weather, drivers, the quality of air! It’s endless and draining.
What I’m trying to say is she is draining and soul sucking so I no longer tolerate it. It’s not good for my own state of mind! I’m glad you see that Oak.

Amen to the pepper!

Re: Sleep apnea, GERD, and obesity: efforts to fix this.

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 2:25 pm
by snoringdog
Wow, just searched for "Complaining is addictive" and Bam, lots of hits.

I kinda knew that already though....

(Been there, complained about that... ;) )