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Re: Need so much intense motivation to accomplish so little!

Posted: May 16th, 2012, 12:02 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Came up in therapy today:

[A] Life is a struggle, will always be a struggle. That depresses me and makes me feel hopeless.

if I am stuck in [A], I must be immature and a bad person.

The way out:

Take the word "always" out of "life is always a struggle", actions taken now pretty much mainly affect the near-term, so "always" is probably not helpful.

Instead of considering an entire "life", just focus on the particular situation under consideration, and just in the near-term.

Instead of using the word "struggle", use the word "challenge"

So if planning a trip is building anxiety in me, and, because of building anxiety, I end up thinking "life is always a struggle", break down the planning for a trip into the single task to consider right now, like the act of packing for a trip, and then say "packing for a trip is a challenge - lets use a simple strategy, available now, for tackling that challenge"

So we went from [1] "life is always a struggle" to [2] "packing for a trip is a challenge - lets use a simple strategy, available now, for tackling that challenge"

And this is good! :D

What changed here was "attitude" and "perspective". "Attitude" and "perspective" are available to be changed quickly, on demand, to great benefit.

Re: Need so much intense motivation to accomplish so little!

Posted: May 17th, 2012, 9:03 am
by manuel_moe_g
My focus is running away from me, my therapist called it "going over the waterfall".

I shouldn't be surprised, it is a downer when I think that the last 25 minutes was just pure self-harming distraction, but, forgive myself, grab the opportunity to interrupt the distraction, close eyes, control breathing, and step into a more self-loving present-and-future-focused flow of thought and focus and activity.