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What I would love to do more than anything right now...

Posted: October 24th, 2016, 1:01 pm
by Hedgie
I would love to go home, sit on the floor, and hug a happy dog for a long time.

I am severely allergic to dogs. I haven't been able to have one in years, let alone pet one. :|

Re: What I would love to do more than anything right now...

Posted: October 24th, 2016, 5:02 pm
by HowDidIGetHere
I hear ya. Animal love is the best love. I'm very fortunate to have grown out of the asthma and into regular old itchy eyes, runny nose allergies, so I finally decided to just say "screw it" and let myself have it.

It's funny the looks people give you when you tell them you're really allergic to animals while you're scratching their dog behind the ears or letting their cat run over your shoulders, though.